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So now feminists who defend women-only spaces are likened to Nazis or, at
the very least, Nazi enablers.

Unfortunately, this kind of nonsense pervades the responses to
gender-critical feminists although the most entitled of the biological
males who want access to women's spaces feel fairly unrestrained in issuing
rape threats, death threats, various other threats to gender-critical
feminists, try to get gender-critical feminists fired, censored, etc etc.

Why anyone on the left would want to enable this kind of behaviour directed
by biological males to women is odd indeed; although I guess women's rights
just comes way down the list of priorities for some left men, including a
load of the 'woke' ones.

Another site I'd recommend that defends women's rights and documents the
abuse (to put it mildly) that gener-critical feminists have been subject to
is Peak Trans:

For some of the violent misogyny directed at gender-critical feminists by a
layer of trans, check out:


On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 8:08 PM MM <marxmai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Nov 26, 2018, at 1:40 AM, Philip Ferguson via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> https://speakupforwomen.nz/
> From the site:
> "Speak Up For Women is a diverse group of ordinary New Zealanders…”
> Here’s an awkward question: On what basis should people be allowed to
> “self-identify” as “ordinary”? Who gets to decide who counts as “ordinary”?
> "Growing consciousness of the Holocaust in both academic scholarship and
> society in general became evident in the late 1970s and intensified in the
> 1980s. Initially, important research focused on the different roles of
> Hitler, Nazi ideology, and the structure of the dictatorship in shaping the
> decision-making process that led to the Holocaust. Research also
> concentrated on the complicity of various professions and institutions in
> the Third Reich, and particularly on the SS. Still lacking was careful
> empirical study of how Nazi racial policy was also carried out by
> “ordinary” Germans.”
> How Ordinary Germans Did It
> https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2013/06/20/how-ordinary-germans-did-it/
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