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Regarding the rebel attacks on Kurdish civilian targets in Aleppo during
April 2016, Chris asserts that the rebels used chemical weapons, and has
continually done so. Since no one disagrees that these were a series of
criminal attacks, that other rebel leaderships and the opposition
leadership as a whole condemned, I’m not sure why it needs to be
embellished with the chemical stuff. It seems to be some way of equalising
regime and opposition.

Yet when asked for evidence, we come back to the doctor’s claim in the
Amnesty report that these symptoms “could be the effects of a chlorine

Chris says this is “fairly strong evidence.” However, “could be” is not
“strong.” When the Assad regime launched massive sarin attacks on a range
of rebel-held Damascus suburbs, surrounding regime-held central Damascus in
an arch-shape that strongly indicates the attack came from the regime, and
given the massive nature of the attack that every expert knew would have
required aircraft or at least far more advanced weaponry than anything
possessed by the rebels, GLW decided the chemical attack had been carried
out by “unknown” sources. Yet when symptoms “could be” the effects of a
chemical attack, this apparently is evidence that the rebels “have carried
out chemical attacks.”

All killing of civilian populations by any side should always be condemned,
and nom party is innocent. But the only qualitative difference in Syria is
between the regime/Russia and everyone else; the first are responsible for
nearly all civilian slaughter. Even HTS, sectarian and reactionary as it
is, is a little mouse compared to the regime, by every possible objective
standard. Did they do this? I dunno, I need better evidence than that a
pathologically lying genocidal regime said so.
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