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Thanks RKOB. I hope people read past the title:

"According to the report, the “prolonged conflict in ‎Syria saw Israel
often hold negotiations with the ‎regime in Damascus in order to reach an
agreement in ‎Syria.”

"The Israeli official was also quoted as confirming ‎that the
Diplomatic-Security Cabinet “held extensive ‎discussions on the situation
in Syria and decided ‎that Israel would not allow an Iranian military
‎presence there. Since then, Israel has invested ‎considerable efforts in
preventing Iran and ‎Hezbollah from establishing themselves in Syria,
‎while making sure it [Israel] inflicts minimal ‎damage to the Damascus

"The senior Israeli official refused to comment on ‎the decision by some
Arab states, such as Bahrain ‎and the United Arab Emirates, to reopen their
‎embassies in Damascus, saying only that the ‎rapprochement between Arab
states and Syria was ‎‎“less dangerous for Israel because these Arab states
‎also want to see Iran out of Syria.”‎

This long-term Israeli position: yes Assad, no Iran, move to separate them,
in particular via aggressive collaboration with Assad's major patron,
Russia, is now in line with the increasingly assertive position of the
Gulf, as seen in the United Arab Emirates - always a bastion of regional
counterrevolution - being the first to re-open its embassy in Damascus
(actually the UAE has been pushing for this for over 2 years but tried not
to act unilaterally, till now. This was followed almost i9mmediately by
Bahrain, and similar hints coming out of Kuwait, along with the Syrian
regime's recent top-level visit to Cairo (though Sisi's regime has been
pro-Assad ever since the UAE-backed bloody coup in 2013, so this is not big
deal), and Jordan re-opening its border with Assad. All of these states -
UAE, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt - have extremely close ties with Putin (as
does Israel course), and so Trump's recent move, which so many have seen as
merely a personal whim that is allegedly against the main view of the US
ruling class, has to be seen as fully aligned with this trend. In
retrospect, the well-publicised semi-secret meetings between Trump and
Putin personnel involving the UAE, the UAE- and Egypt-backed Palestinian
reactionary thug Dahlan, Israeli officials and even Blackwater folk have a
clear logic: push back the oversized Iranian influence by moving to bolster
the Assad regime's 'stability" so it is no longer in need of Iranian rabble.

This is even more significant now with Assad's need for "reconstruction"
funding, which neither Russia nor Iran are flush enough to provide much of,
while western countries are (currently) sticking to the line that the
Geneva process of political settlement needs to get off the ground first.
The move by the Gulf is a clear signal to Damascus, push Iran aside
somewhat, we're here to provide the funds you need.

The wild card is the big regime behind UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan and
Kuwait: Saudi Arabia. The gang-land leader MBS is strongly aligned with his
UAE counterpart and the Sisi regime, and has long made clear he gives a
stuff neither about the Syrian nor the Palestinian people; these more
forward moves almost certainly have his backing, and there have been
various hints coming out of Riyadh that it is willing to accept Assad
without Iran. However, it is necessarily more tempered about it (as it is
also more tempered about rapprochement with Israel) due to its special
position as religious head of the Sunni world, and the fact that it has
more at stake in its regional rivalry with Iran than its underlings do (the
UAE for example has a raging economic relationship with Iran, while there
are no Shia in Egypt for al-Sisi to care anything about Iranian influence;
like the UAE his number one hate is the Muslim Brotherhood). But clearly he
is part of the picture.

Much binary, mechanical "geopolitics" in recent years imagined the moves by
some of the Gulf states to mend ties with Israel as representing a
"US-backed axis" as opposed to a "Russian-backed" Iran and Assad etc. Take
a breath, dear Manicheans: exactly the same Gulf states and regional allies
that are carrying out rapprochement with Israel are those carrying out
rapprochement with Assad. The closest to both Israel and Assad is al-Sisi's
Egypt; the race to the finish line ones are UAE and Bahrain; the more
cautious behind the scenes power is the Saudis, again for both.

It is something of a pity that leftists (and mainstream media) are writing
things that reveal they are still living about 50 years in the past, 30
years into the post-Cold War world, and this passes for "analysis". Not to
mention how that deals with such elephants in the room as the raging
Israeli-Russian relationship (especially Putin-Netanyahu), not only over
Syria but also Crimea etc); the raging Egypt-Russia relationship
(discussion about Russia building a nuclear plant for Sisi); the UAE
declaring that it had a "strategic relationship" with Russia; the growing
Saudi ties with Russia, especially over oil politics; and of course the
hugest elephant in the room, the US-Iranian joint-venture regime in Iraq, a
key Assad ally. Why should Trump's alliance with Putin then seem odd?

Forget absurd Cold War fantasies; this is not even clashes of "rival
empires." There's a bit of that, as always. But it is well-outdone by the
principal dynamic, the alliance of counterrevolutionary powers for ...

On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 4:03 AM RKOB via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>

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