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I am looking for someone to review 

The Coming of the American Behemoth: The Origins of Fascism in the United 
States, 1920-1940

by Michael Joseph Roberto for the journal Socialism and Democracy. 

Here is the publisher's blurb:

Most people in the United States have been trained to recognize fascism in 
movements such as Germany's Third Reich or Italy's National Fascist Party, 
where charismatic demagogues manipulate incensed, vengeful masses. We rarely 
think of fascism as linked to the essence of monopoly-finance capitalism, 
operating under the guise of American free enterprise. But, as Michael Joseph 
Roberto argues, this is exactly where fascism's embryonic forms began gestating 
in the United States, during the so-called prosperous 1920s and the Great 
Depression of the following decade. Drawing from a range of authors who wrote 
during the 1930s and early 1940s, Roberto examines how the driving force of 
American fascism comes, not from reactionary movements below, but from the top, 
namely, Big Business and the power of finance capital. More subtle than its 
earlier European counterparts, writes Roberto, fascist America's racist, 
top-down quashing of individual liberties masqueraded as "real democracy," 
"upholding the Constitution," and the pressure to be "100 Percent American."

The Coming of the American Behemoth is intended as a primer, to forge 
much-needed discourse on the nature of fascism, and its particular forms within 
the United States. The book focuses on the role of the capital-labor 
relationship during the period between the two World Wars, when the United 
States became the epicenter of the world-capitalist system. Concentrating on 
specific processes, which he characterizes as terrorist and non-terrorist 
alike, Roberto argues that the interwar period was a fertile time for the 
incubation of a protean, more salable form of tyranny-a fascist behemoth in the 
making, whose emergence has been ignored or dismissed by mainstream historians. 
This book is a necessity for anyone who fears America tipping ever closer, in 
this era of Trump, to full-blown fascism.

Marx taught us that it is impossible to deal effectively with the problems of 
the present without understanding how they evolved out of the past. This would 
seem to hold in spades for what most people see as the surprising rise of 
fascism in the U.S. today. Yet, while early European versions of fascism never 
lacked for the attention of its critics, our homegrown variety, which 
flourished between the two World Wars, has been almost entirely forgotten. No 
more, thanks to this absolutely essential contribution by Michael Roberto. 
Highly Recommended.

-Bertell Ollman, author, Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's Method and 
hundred of books, articles, manuals, and games dealing with Marxism

In this carefully researched study of what contemporaneous US Marxists had to 
say about 1930s fascist processes, Michael Roberto argues that the essence of 
fascism-capitalist dictatorship-is entirely compatible with liberal democracy. 
His thesis not only illuminates Depression-era politics and economics but also 
carries profound implications for our time.

-Barbara Foley, author, Radical Representations: Politics and Form in U.S. 
Proletarian Fiction, 1929-1941

If you would like to review this book, write to me at 

George Snedeker
Book Review Editor



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