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Andrew Stewart 

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> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW <h-rev...@lists.h-net.org>
> Date: January 30, 2019 at 11:20:02 PM EST
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Cc: H-Net Staff <revh...@mail.h-net.org>
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-Russia]:  Williams on Reich, 'State of Madness: 
> Psychiatry, Literature, and Dissent after Stalin'
> Reply-To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Rebecca Reich.  State of Madness: Psychiatry, Literature, and Dissent 
> after Stalin.  DeKalb  Northern Illinois University Press, 2018.  x + 
> 283 pp.  $60.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-87580-775-1; $60.00 (e-book), 
> ISBN 978-1-60909-233-7.
> Reviewed by Amanda Williams (University of Leeds)
> Published on H-Russia (January, 2019)
> Commissioned by Oleksa Drachewych
> In _State of Madness: Psychiatry, Literature, and Dissent after 
> Stalin_, Rebecca Reich examines how dissident writers used various 
> forms of literary discourse to resist the Soviet state's attempts to 
> declare them insane. Soviet psychiatry was different from its Western 
> counterparts as it was willing to act as a political tool on behalf 
> of the government. Reich chooses writers who had varying degrees of 
> political engagement, but all disagreed with the state by "sitting 
> apart" (p. 4). These writers came into conflict with the 
> state-sanctioned psychiatric system by engaging with _inakomyslie_, 
> the idea of thinking differently, which Soviet psychiatrists used as 
> evidence of insanity or madness to have dissidents committed to 
> psychiatric hospitals. Dissenters scrutinized the diagnosis process 
> and treatment of psychiatric patients through a variety of literary 
> genres, helping to expose many of the abuses of Soviet psychiatry. 
> Their literary works did not attack just psychiatry but also the 
> state as a whole; they demonstrated how the USSR was still far from 
> the reform-minded, modernized, and law-abiding society it portrayed 
> itself to be, following Joseph Stalin's death. Reich aptly 
> illustrates how portrayals of madness were contested in the late 
> Soviet Union. 
> Chapter 1 of _State of Madness _delivers a brilliant framework and 
> provides crucial background that Reich refers to throughout the rest 
> of the text. By dissecting the art of diagnosis, she breaks down how 
> psychiatrists used their own ambiguous terminology to turn subjective 
> judgments into seemingly scientific objective facts. Dissenters 
> criticized punitive psychiatry specifically due to the biased nature 
> of the diagnosis. For many of these dissenting writers, the art 
> behind the Soviet psychiatrist's conclusion lay in revealing or 
> fabricating hidden mental disorders. Psychiatrists examined the 
> dissenter's files over long periods of time; they could then begin to 
> point out the symptoms of the disease the dissenter supposedly 
> suffered from. This ability to make retrospective diagnoses was 
> critical for psychiatrists who had to determine the subject's 
> responsibility for his or her criminal acts. Reich emphasizes that in 
> order to form this diagnosis, the dialogue between the psychiatrist 
> and patient had to become a monologue where the psychiatrist's 
> authority determined the patient's past, present, and future story. 
> To present their diagnosis as objective, their comments and 
> observations regarding the patient had to be situated within the 
> scientific language of a disease. Many dissidents were diagnosed with 
> schizophrenia or paranoaic disorders as these psychiatric categories 
> were particularly flexible to manipulation by state psychiatrists. 
> For dissidents, these two diagnoses were particularly problematic as 
> it was easy for dissidents to fall into, what Reich titles, "the 
> discursive trap": the very questioning of the validity of the 
> psychiatrists' conclusions could be enough to confirm being labeled 
> mad or insane. Recovery involved acknowledging one's illness and 
> accepting the state's treatment of it; this affirmed not just the 
> psychiatrist's authority but also the state's. 
> In conceiving of their diagnosis, it was critical for psychiatrists 
> to analyze dissidents' creative work. Reich reiterates throughout the 
> text that it was only through illegal printed literary works that 
> dissidents were able to pathologize the Soviet state and society. 
> Literature provided an outlet for action in order to describe the 
> horrors and abuses of psychiatrists and their institutions. Yet each 
> dissident author conceived of different ways to pursue their 
> literature. As shown in chapter 2, Aleksandr Vol'pin refused to 
> engage with psychiatric discourse and used logic to showcase the 
> irrationality of state-sponsored psychiatry. However, in this 
> process, he personified the ambiguity of _inakomyslie_. Yet Vladimir 
> Bukovskii and Semen Gluzman argued that those who dared to think 
> differently needed to be pragmatic. In their view, the only way to 
> avoid a diagnosis was to engage with the very same psychiatric 
> discourse. Dissidents needed to exploit the ambiguity of psychiatric 
> terms. Reich frames Joseph Brodsky's case study around his invention 
> of the "art of estrangement" that he developed in contrast to the 
> Marxist dictum of "existence determines consciousness" (p. 102). He 
> reinvented the categories of consciousness and existence to 
> reposition the equation of creative dissent with madness. It was 
> Brodsky's own diagnoses and hospitalizations that allowed him to use 
> psychiatric discourse in his own writing and also exposed him to the 
> potential threat of psychiatric hospitals being an incubator of 
> silence. Reich examines two of his works, but his poem "Gorbunov and 
> Gorchakov" truly illuminates his ideas and extremes of consciousness 
> and existence. 
> In chapter 4, Reich portrays what may be her best case study by 
> examining the trial and selected works of Andrei Siniavskii. 
> Siniavskii was a literary critic who produced provocative literary 
> works under the pseudonym Abram Terts. At his trial, Siniavskii 
> contended that he could not be held responsible for the works of 
> fiction written by Terts, including the plots, characters, and 
> extreme fantastic realism of the settings. He insisted that the state 
> was blending his life and his art together as psychiatric, literary, 
> and legal discourses were used to confirm his responsibility for the 
> actions and language of his fictional characters. 
> The final case study examines Venedikt Erofeev, a man who seems 
> fundamentally different from many of the other dissident authors 
> previously examined due to him presenting his literary career as an 
> exercise in pretending to be insane. Erofeev's authorial personality 
> straddled the line between lived and literary expression. His 
> fictional heroes were social deviants who were typically named after 
> him. Erofeev also mirrored his own heroes' lifestyles by dropping out 
> of university, changing jobs, and excessively drinking until 
> requiring treatments in psychiatric hospitals for alcoholism. Erofeev 
> was the living embodiment of simulation and dissimulation. 
> The criticisms of _State of Madness _are rather minor. First, while 
> these case studies eloquently prove Reich's argument, there is no 
> justification on why she picks these particular dissidents to focus 
> on. For those less familiar with dissident literature in the late 
> Soviet period, they may want an explanation, particularly as half of 
> the dissident writers chosen did not actively participate in 
> political activity. Second, while understanding that Reich's 
> framework involves examining literary works by the dissident authors, 
> readers may feel lost in the extremely detailed literary analysis 
> that Reich conducts in certain areas. This would include the several 
> pages per case study of poems, stories, and plays, as well as the 
> deconstruction of grammar. Last, in terms of the dissidents who were 
> not particularly politically active, it seems Reich works twice as 
> hard to prove her point. For example, Reich seems to struggle to make 
> her final case study, Erofeev, fit into her original argument, 
> leaving me uncertain if the additional example was necessary for her 
> study. 
> Reich has a refreshing angle on Soviet psychiatry in the post-Stalin 
> period that examines the ideology and thorough processes behind 
> psychiatrists' and dissidents' attempts to work this system to their 
> advantage. She is able to tap into the new and emerging trends in the 
> history of medicine by exploring the gray areas of morality, 
> subjectivity, and power within Soviet medical and psychiatric 
> practices. Reich's interdisciplinary methodology was created by 
> examining how dissenters turned their supposed madness into an outlet 
> for preserving and demonstrating their sanity and overall mental 
> health. Both psychiatrists and dissenters used the preoccupation of 
> literature in Russia and the Soviet Union to examine their medical 
> reports and literary works. Within this literary and psychiatric 
> discourse, dissenters and psychiatrists each asserted their authority 
> to determine what it meant to be mad in post-Stalinist Soviet Union. 
> Citation: Amanda Williams. Review of Reich, Rebecca, _State of 
> Madness: Psychiatry, Literature, and Dissent after Stalin_. H-Russia, 
> H-Net Reviews. January, 2019.
> URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=53391
> This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 
> Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States 
> License.
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