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On 2/12/19 12:56 PM, Ian Angus via Marxism wrote:

Interview: John Bellamy Foster on the ‘Green New Deal’

To bring about meaningful change, the resolution proposed by Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez must be part of an ecological revolution with a broad social


Nobody wants to see renewable energy more than me but I doubt that a "Green New Deal" can foment an ecological revolution. The only thing that can get working people to move off their asses and into the streets is a frontal attack on their standard of living as has happened in France with the Yellow Vest movement.

On top of that, any number of countries in Western Europe have incorporated a Green New Deal to one extent or another but the ecological crisis is much broader and deeper than the climate change component.

If you can't move toward sustainable agriculture, you can't escape the degradation of soil and water that industrial farming produces. Today's NY Times article about what is happening in California bears that out.

The Russian Revolution happened because people needed peace, bread and land. A few months after the Bolsheviks took power, Lenin created a working group to map out a conservation program similar to the one that Theodore Roosevelt implemented in the USA. Something like that will happen here. Not maybe when I am alive but surely when your great-grandchildren are alive.

Here's how Lenin promoted nature conservation in the early USSR:

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