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A. R. G. Said:

The Benjamins = money in rap culture. I'm guessing some of you guys are old:


It's also impressive how otherwise intelligent people can so easily be
dragged into an absolutely ridiculous and racist witch-hunt. Omar said that
AIPAC lobbying was all about money. There is nothing even vaguely
anti-Semitic about that unless you are already on a witch-hunt for it and
trying to associate Zionist advocacy with a Jewish conspiracy. Moreover,
even assuming there is any connection it would indicate that AIPAC embodies
an anti-Semitic caricature; hardly Omar's fault.

Goldberg is a windbag.

* * * * *

Ken Hiebert replies:

I have to admit that I was ignorant of the meaning of Benjamins in rap culture. 
 And I don’t know what percentage of the American people would catch that 
reference.  Presumably, if a majority of people understood the reference, Rep. 
Omar could have said, “Everyone knows what I’m talking about.”

It could be argued that the reference to Benjamins would help get the message 
out to a certain percentage of the American people.  But, looking at this from 
a distance, it seems that the use of the word Benjamins got in the way of her 
message.  It was possible for some people to misunderstand it and for others to 
use it as a handle to attack her.

Of course we can’t replay this experience to see what’d might have happened if 
she had used language that was more difficult to twist against her.

In any case, it is a good thing that someone denounced AIPAC and I hope that 
next time this happens it will be said in such a way that the person does not 
feel a need to apologize.

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