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On February 20, 2019 Oleg Vernyk, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Independent 
Trade Union «Zakhyst Pratsy» («Labor defence»), took part in a meeting of the 
Working Group-4 of the Ukrainian side of the Ukraine-EU Civil Society Platform, 
where a discussion of the Report on the violation of trade union and labor 
rights in Ukraine was held.

During the stormy discussion and discussion of the proposals of its 
participants, the representative of «Zakhyst Pratsy» was able to update the 
following problems of the modern trade union movement to include them in the 
latest version. Reports:


Violation of the rights of newly created trade unions to join existing 
collective agreements in enterprises and to participate in the process of 
adopting new collective agreements.The impossibility of the legal organizing of 
the strikes in Ukraine through the existing legislative regulation, which 
actually makes it impossible to conduct them.Strengthening the rough practice 
of employer’s civil lawsuits against trade unions in order to prohibit trade 
unions from using in their names the name of the enterprise where they are 
created.Strengthening by the judiciary the practice of gross disregard for the 
current labor legislation of Ukraine in the field of guarantees to members of 
elected trade union bodies from dismissal and the imposition by employers of 
other disciplinary penalties.We inform that the work of WG-4 on the final 
version of the document should end within a few days.

Press service All-Ukrainian Independent Trade Union «Zakhyst Pratsi»  


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