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Ralph Johnson, apparently approvingly, quotes Glenn Greenwald: "I think
Donald Trump is a huge danger and
menace to the republic for a lot of reasons that David is very adeptly
covering, and I really hope that we can now turn our attention to those
things, now that we?re done with this espionage thriller that has
dominated us for three years. I hope we can focus on the things that

Like so much of the left as well as the alt-left, Greenwald completely
misses the point, which is that the President of the United States is
seriously beholden to a rival capitalist class. This is not a matter of
patriotism nor defense of "national interests"; it's a question of
understanding the political crisis of US capitalism, something which
Greenwald is incapable of doing.

That's because he is nothing but a somewhat more subtle version of Max
Blumenthal/Ben Norton. He openly advocates a red-brown alliance, having
equated the Occupy movement with the Tea Party as both being
"anti-establishment" and concluded "I think that left and right as we
understood them for the last four decades are starting to morph into
pro-establishment and anti-establishment dynamics and that will only

Greenwald supports the Assadist Tulsi Gabbard, and is a collaborator with
the far right Tucker Carlson.

Basically, Greenwald is like so much of the left that sees any opponent of
US imperialism as an ally, which is why he in effect defends Putin & Co. So
I think his views on the Mueller Report have to be considered in this
light. That there was collaboration, or attempted collaboration, between
the Trump campaign and the Putin regime is really beyond doubt. What was
the meeting at Trump Tower all about? What were the frequent contacts
between Trump staffers and Russian representatives about?

And the story goes back decades - to the fact that it was the Russian mafia
capitalist class that provided much of Trump's financing for decades. Even
Don jr. said this. And THAT is the real scandal of the Mueller
"investigation" - that they never tried to lift the lid on that can of

But Greenwald? His views should not be taken seriously.

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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