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> On Apr 29, 2019, at 11:19 AM, MM <marxmai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 29, 2019, at 10:55 AM, A.R. G via Marxism 
>> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu <mailto:marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>> wrote:
>> Symbols mean different things depending on how/where/when they are
>> depicted.
> Exactly. And the presence of the yarmulke is part of the context for 
> everything else in the cartoon, and affects to some extent the meaning of 
> each element, and of the cartoon as a whole. It’s a stretch to argue that its 
> presence doesn’t signal to the viewer that the whole cartoon is to be read, 
> at least in part, through the lens of Jew-hatred.

Ha’aretz has run an opinion piece by Zeev Engelmayer challenging my assertion 

“Behind Netanyahu the dachshund walks his good friend Trump, sullenly, a kippa 
on his head, symbolizing the strength of his ties with Netanyahu.” 

Available here for people without a sub: https://archive.is/3jk0f

I have to say I’m not really convinced — Engelmayer is a political cartoonist, 
so obviously has ink in the game, but also I can’t find anything at all from 
him that addresses Palestine, Zionism, etc., which obviously says something 
about him, and not something good. But I’m more interested in getting at the 
truth than winning a debate — weird, right? — so wanted to share this in case 
it helps us collectively figure out how to make sense of this. 
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