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On 2019/05/04 10:33 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:


Thanks, Louis.

It's a fine article on the Cape Town symptoms of urban class-apartheid planning. If anyone wants more on the causes, here's a book, Cities of Gold, Townships of Coal, which documents the World Bank's influence over Joe Slovo, a (neoliberal) Communist Party leader who became the country's first post-1994 housing minister, shortly before his death, and implemented a policy designed mainly to 'normalize the market' for bank housing finance: http://ccs.ukzn.ac.za/files/Bond%20Cities%20Of%20Gold%20Townships%20Of%20Coal.pdf

"Half the population lives on less than $5 a day." Actually it's more like 65% living on less than $3.50/day: https://theconversation.com/how-current-measures-underestimate-the-level-of-poverty-in-south-africa-46704

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