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 Here in my debut on the wonderful al-Jumhuriya site, I have attempted to
comprehensively take apart years of nonsense spouted by pro-Assad writers
(like the epigone version of Ben Norton) about what they claim was some US
role in pushing "regime change" against Assad in Syria, which both denies
the agency of the millions of Syrian people who rose up to overthrow a
tyrannical regime, while also being false to the very core factually. "As
the military conflict in Syria has been largely decided in favor of the
Bashar al-Assad regime, there have been a number of attempts to review the
role of US intervention, or lack thereof, in the Syrian outcome. Late last
year, Washington’s special envoy to Syria, Jim Jeffrey, clarified that
while the US wants to see a regime in Damascus that is “fundamentally
different,” it is nevertheless “not regime change” the US is seeking.
“We're not trying to get rid of Assad.” Much commentary jumped on this as
some kind of major shift in US policy, or a signal the US had “given up” on
regime change. Yet, as will be shown below, the US never had a “regime
change” policy. On the contrary, Washington has always sought a modified
form of regime preservation. Jeffrey’s statement was followed by President
Trump’s announcement of an immediate US withdrawal from Syria. While the
“immediate” was later dropped for reasons of expediency, a more gradual US
withdrawal is still on the cards; a process coinciding with a creeping
rapprochement with Assad by Trump’s Gulf allies, spearheaded by the United
Arab Emirates and Bahrain restoring diplomatic relations with Syria in late
December 2018."
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