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'On Thursday, June 13, two Japanese-flagged oil tankers were attacked in
the Gulf of Oman, off the coast of Iran. The Trump administration
immediately claimed that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were responsible.
They based this claim on a video they released of a patrol boat of the
Guards standing alongside one of the tankers, the Kokuta Courageous,
apparently removing something attached to the side of the ship. Trump & Co.
claimed the Guards were removing a limpet mine they had attached earlier,
and that they were removing it to hide the evidence.

*'N.Y. Times *
*Article*On Friday, the NY Times published an extremely interesting article
. It was interesting both for the facts it recounted as well as for the
fact that the NYT published it at all!....

'[The article writes:] “Yet what the videos and photographs published by
the United States don’t show us is more important…. Nothing presented as
evidence proves that the object was placed there by the Iranians. The video
shows only that the Iranians chose to remove it for an as yet unknown

'What’s so significant about this is the fact that the Times would even
bother to raise the point. The article refers to the Gulf of Tonkin

The known facts plus simple political analysis would seem to indicate that
most likely it was not the Iranian government that carried out these
attacks. Who, then? Bin Salman? Netanyahu? The Houthis? And where does
Putin stand in all of this?

Read entire article here:

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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