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Financial Times, July 26, 2019
Syria’s Assad puts pressure on business elite
Chloe Cornish and Asser Khattab in Beirut

Tarek’s bustling factory had escaped the worst ravages of Syria’s eight-year civil war. He was hiring workers again, hoping the company would secure decent contracts as the country’s reconstruction got under way. But soon his manufacturing business found itself facing a new opponent — Syria’s finance ministry.

“They descended on our offices, maybe 20 people, searching every document for something they could fine us for,” said Tarek, who claimed that the government’s accountants also overestimated the company’s profitability to increase his tax bill. “They’re not professional. It’s like a mafia.”

President Bashar al-Assad’s authoritarian regime is seeking to replenish its depleted coffers, having recaptured the parts of Syria that were held by opposition forces, thanks in part to Russian and Iranian help. But Syrian industrialists say they have now become the prey for predatory state bodies seeking funds.

Analysts warn that the grab for money is impeding economic recovery, deterring investment needed for reconstruction, and could ultimately undermine business support for the regime itself. “Yes, this will block the reconstruction, but I think it will [also] put the regime in jeopardy,” said Sami Nader, research director at the Levant Institute for Strategic Affairs.

The Assads have traditionally drawn support from the minority Alawite sect to which they belong. But when Mr Assad followed his father into power in 2000, he increased his appeal among predominantly Sunni industrialists — members of Syria’s majority sect — by promising to open Syria’s economy to outside investment. Loss of their support, whether tacit or vocal, would further erode Mr Assad’s power base. “[Mr Assad] still needs the support of the Sunnis and the elite and I’m not seeing them getting the incentive,” said Mr Nader.

The civil strife, which has seen an estimated half a million people killed, has devastated Syria’s infrastructure. While the regime has encouraged investment in reconstruction by its military allies Russia and Iran, and welcomed business delegations from its political ally China, there has been scant sign of foreign investment, and it is unclear how reconstruction will be funded on any grand scale.

The regime is also under huge financial pressure. Renewed American sanctions on Iran have intensified pressure on the regime’s finances by disrupting Mr Assad’s credit line and oil supplies from Tehran. The loans had allowed Syria to purchase $5bn worth of fuel and other goods from Iran since 2013, Syrian officials have said. British marines this month impounded an Iranian supertanker the UK said was headed to Syria; Iran retaliated by seizing a UK-flagged tanker.

Mr Assad had funded his war effort in part by tapping rich loyalists for cash, including metals magnates and businesspeople facilitating oil and gas trade with Syria. But many of them have now been hit by US, EU and UN sanctions for bolstering the regime.

The government’s annual budget has halved since war broke out, dropping from $18bn in 2011 to $9bn in 2018. Actual expenditure is probably lower — experts estimate only half of budget requirements have been met. Rampant corruption among government employees seeking to boost meagre salaries is widely reported.

As the squeezed government puts pressure on local businesses, heavy industry and wholesalers are in its sights.

“It’s a methodical system, the government is chasing back every penny,” said another Syrian business owner, who reported one friend received demands to settle a fine incurred by his dead father’s company more than 15 years ago. Against this backdrop, as well as continuing instability, lack of capital and international sanctions, “it’s unlikely that anyone of any serious weight would consider investing in Syria,” he added.

“The state is trying to raise money for itself,” said a Syrian businessman. “The customs patrols are shaking us down all the time.”

Abdulnasser Sheikh al Fotouh, chair of Homs’ chamber of commerce, said businesses were slowly recovering thanks to improving security in many places, but called on the government to do more. “We need a package of brave laws that attract investments and help businesses grow rapidly.”

Hopes that the reopening of a key border crossing between Syria and Jordan in late 2018 would boost trade and customs revenues were dashed. One Syrian importer said fees levied on trucks entering Syria through Nassib had rocketed from $100 to $800.

Careful not to criticise the regime, Mr Fotouh said business leaders recently met with the prime minister’s office to demand new laws regulating investment. He argued that business groups needed a bigger say in how the economy was managed and help in shouldering the cost of loans taken out before the war. “Those who never left the country deserve to be prioritised,” he said. “After all, Syria can only be rebuilt by Syrians.”
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