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Today social media puts absolutely no constraints on our limits of self-expression, each of us can be a modernist author on our Facebook feed. But this self-expression is then transmuted into data: the language we use, our likes and shares, are all passed to data brokers and then on to advertisers and spin doctors who target us with specially tailored campaigns we might not even be aware of. The more we express ourselves, the less power we have.

This has produced a propaganda model that is very different from the 20th century. Instead of stuffing an ideology down people’s throats via TV and radio, a spin doctor has to tailor different messages to different social media groups. A country of 20 million, the chatty digital director of Vote Leave, Thomas Borwick, told me, needs 70 to 80 types of targeted message. Borwick’s job is to connect individual causes to his campaign, even if that connection might feel somewhat tenuous at first.

full: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/jul/27/the-disinformation-age-a-revolution-in-propaganda
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