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Ben Burgis on FB:

Even apart from taking terrible policy positions and lying like crazy about his record, Joe Biden's performance last night was a grisly parody of how a normal candidate might bomb on the debate stage. He called Bernie the President, he called Barack Obama "the Barack," he showed every appearance of forgetting things he'd said a minute or two earlier, he advised black parents to help their kids learn vocabulary by keeping "the record player" on at night, he blurted out "I'm the Vice President!" apropos nothing in particular, and his teeth literally started to fall out. The whole thing felt like an anxiety dream Tony would have in one of the later seasons of the Sopranos. I'm normally not a fan of using this word in political contexts, but honestly, the media treating it like it there was nothing to see there and Biden was within the normal range of debate performances kinda does feel like gaslighting.

(Wikipedia: Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity.)
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