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More hot air from the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit

(from the Sept. 24th Detroit/Seattle Workers' Voice list)

The UN's 2019 Climate Action Summit took place on Monday, September 23, in 
the midst of the week-long youth climate strike. It was addressed by the 
activist Greta Thunberg, but this didn't make any difference to the 
politicians. The 
UN Summit was firmly dedicated to protecting profits, not ensuring the world's 

The UN has been holding climate conferences since 1995. This year there will 
see the 25th UN Climate Change conference (COP 25) in Chile in December, as 
well as the present Climate Action Summit in New York. And yet, according to UN 
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres himself, "on our current path, we face at 
least 3-degrees Celsius of global heating by the end of the century" 
UN "estimates the world would need to increase its efforts between three- and 
five-fold to contain climate change to the levels dictated by science -- a 1.5° 
rise at most" (Ibid.) Shouldn't Guterres have asked whether the UN, 
the bourgeois ruling classes around the word, bears some responsibility for 

No, he didn't. Instead the UN is determined to stay the course. The very same 
press release that contains these dire figures declares that "The Summit is 
designed to showcase government, business, and civil society efforts", and that 
these show the "concrete ways in which countries can better adapt to climate 
change and cut emissions". Geez, can one showcase the process that has gotten 
us to the brink of disaster and at the same time believe that progress along 
same lines will lead to saving the earth? An article in the *New York Times* 
it up as follows, the Summit "was meant to highlight concrete promises by 
presidents, prime ministers and corporate executives to wean the global economy 
from fossil fuels..." But, the article continues, China "made no new promises, 
US "said nothing at all", and "a host of countries made only incremental 

Indeed, the Summit was silent or mumbled on one current problem after another:

* It met while the Amazon forest burned, and it turned its back on the problem.

* It met while the Arctic is burning, and turned its back on the problem. Yet 
fires, and the resulting faster melting of the permafrost, not only threaten a 
increase in greenhouse gas emissions, but could lead to the destruction of the 
atmospheric ozone layer, a catastrophe which, until now, had been thought to 
have been avoided by international action under the Montreal Protocol.

* It didn't deal with the problem of countries that are backing out of any 
commitment to environmental action, such as the Trump administration in the US 
or the Bolsonaro administration in Brazil.

* Despite this year's report from the IPCC, the UN's scientific body on climate 
change, it had nothing too serious to say about the need for major changes in 

* It mainly dealt with global warming in isolation from other looming 
issues. One looked in vain for any serious discussion of the problem of the 
contamination of the world by plastics, pesticides, fracking waste, and other 
chemicals. Or for any serious discussion of the threat facing the ocean.

* It didn't even establish any way to keep track of and verify the progress 
fulfilling the many promises that were showcased at the summit. That's aside 
the fact that many of the promises, even if fulfilled, would result in action 
that was 
10 or 20 years too late.

What the Summit was focused on was prettifying the role of multinational 
corporations and high finance. Money first, everything else second.

* It was silent about the role that market fundamentalism and privatization of 
resources has played in devastating the environment. Instead it lauded supposed 
"unprecedented levels of private sector action" 

* It was silent about the need for mass supervision if governments and 
were really to reach their environmental goals. And it was silent about the 
need to 
fight inequality and poverty along with environmental devastation if the 
environmental changes were to have mass support.

* It welcomed the privatization of the government itself through the growth of 
"public-private partnership", and was silent about the way in which even 
government inspections are handed over to the private sector, so that the fox 
guards the henhouse. Instead of warning about the danger that the big polluters 
could end up in control of renewables and other green measures, it is helping 
pave the way in that direction. 

So this was another summit of complacency. The world bourgeoisie is split over 
environmental issues. One section is climate change denialists. The other 
recognizes the danger of climate change but is still complacent, embraces 
half-measures, and upholds failed market measures. The environmentally-aware 
bourgeoisie may preach about climate change, as the UN Summit did, but it 
closes its eyes to the need for major economic changes if the danger is to be 
avoided. It doesn't want to see market fundamentalism replaced by overall 
economic planning with mass supervision. It dreams that environmentalism is 
another business opportunity.

The Summit invited Greta Thunberg to speak, and indeed was preceded by a UN 
Youth Climate Summit on September 21. But this year has seen two huge waves 
of global mass protest over the environment, and Thunberg put forth the worry 
and anger of the demonstrators. She denounced "empty words", something which 
the UN is full of, and said "We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and 
you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How 
you?" Well-spoken, Thunberg!

The huge waves of mass protest are demanding effective action, something 
which the UN hasn't accomplished in 25 years of climate talk. Instead this 
climate action summit has contributed to global warming with tons of hot air. 
time will come when the mass section of the environmental movement recognizes 
that the very program of the UN and the establishment environmentalists is 
flawed, that much more serious environmental measures are needed immediately 
and must be demanded, and that to achieve these measures the environmental 
struggle must be connected to the class struggle against the corporate 
and financiers. And then the movement will begin putting forward its own 
solutions, far better than those of the UN.

By Joseph Green <>

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