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I do not agree with this article. I don’t think it’s a good analysis. First
of all, the author completely fails to understand what’s really at work in
these proceedings, which is another way of saying he ignores the class
dynamics. In my opinion, the mainstream of the capitalist class has finally
decided that it cannot allow a demented (seriously) person to continue his
drive for one man rule unchecked. In his Ukraine actions, Trump showed that
he was going to do whatever it took to continue down that path for another
four years. His Syria blunder “worse than a crime - a mistake” to
paraphrase Talleyrand), committed after impeachment had begun, will have
enormously reinforced their determination. And while seriously weakened,
their influence over the US population is still very strong.

In the course of the hearings all sorts of dirt will come out. This will
drive all but the Trump fanatics into the Democrats’ camp. As for the
fanatics, I don’t think they are a majority in most states. Already the
polls show Trump losing in many swing states that he won in 2016. These
include Ohio, Pennsylvania and others. These hearings will strengthen that
trend. Yes, it will heighten the convictions and emotions of the fanatics.
That could drive them to even greater violence, but it won’t help re-elect

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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