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> On Oct 26, 2019, at 10:55 AM, Me via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> 
> wrote:
> You are confusing biological sex which is indeed binary with gender
> which is a made up thing. People born with atypical genitalia have a
> biological sexual development disorder. They are not a third sex.

Rather, you are confusing the order of language with the order of being: the 
fact that “sex" and “gender" can be definitively distinguished in language does 
not mean they are definitively distinct in the world. Not even genitalia are 
“binary”: No genitalia are “typical” in any sense that implies normativity; 
anyone with any reasonable familiarity with evolutionary biology or taxonomy 
would understand that. Unfortunately, too few do.

The political right is busy these days trying to shore up that distinction, not 
unlike the ways in which ruling elites and their bigoted dupes in the past have 
insisted on substituting differences in language for variation in reality 
(e.g., “white / black” for race, vs. diverse phenotypes among human population 
groups). Thankfully, the people you dismiss as having a “sexual development 
disorder” increasingly have a voice. Maybe you should write to the author of 
the piece I linked and ask if they feel like they have a “disorder.”

It seems to me just about the last thing the world needs right now is a 
reactionary network of self-identified LGB folks helping out with the right’s 
dirty work.
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