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From Socialist Register and behind a paywall:

By March 2019, when Britain is due to exit the EU, it seemed increasingly possible that no agreement would be reached, and that the UK would lose its existing access to the EU single market and customs union, with endlessly complex consequences for trade, production, jobs, labour markets, legal rights and more. During the referendum these implications had not seriously figured in the debates, but by 2018 they were all too clearly in view. The realization gradually dawned that almost every aspect of life in Britain had become intricately intertwined with the EU: the practical effects of leaving were going to prove so far-reaching and costly that little else could be seriously attended to for years to come after 2019, whichever party was in government.


I don't think that England will have as much of a problem of pulling off a Brexit that was also beyond Greece's version called Grexit but don't be surprised if this turns out to be deeply painful not only to the working class but to the bourgeoisie.
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