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HRC Releases Annual Report on Epidemic of Anti-Transgender Violence

        • By Sarah McBride
        • November 18, 2019

HRC Foundation released A National Epidemic: Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in 
the United States in 2019, a distressing report honoring the at least 22 
transgender people and gender non-conforming people killed in 2019 and 
detailing the contributing factors that lead to this tragic violence. The 
report comes two days ahead of Transgender Day of Remembrance, which, this 
year, marks the 20th annual commemoration of transgender people killed during 
the preceding year.

“Transgender women of color are living in crisis, especially Black transgender 
women,” said HRC President Alphonso David. “While the details of the cases 
documented in this report differ, the toxic intersection of racism, sexism, 
transphobia and easy access to guns conspire to deny so many members of the 
transgender and gender non-conforming community access to housing, employment 
and other necessities to survive and thrive. Every one of these lives cut 
tragically short reinforces the urgent need for action on all fronts to end 
this epidemic — from lawmakers and law enforcement, to the media and our 

A National Epidemic:Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in the United States in 
2019 explores many of the factors that can contribute to or facilitate fatal 
violence. In many instances, systemic discrimination at the intersection of 
gender identity and race lead to significant barriers to employment and 
housing. This pushes many transgender and gender non-conforming people into 
underground economies, including sex work, to survive and into circumstances 
where they may be more likely to encounter violence.

The report also calls for the expansion of community-based resources and 
programs to address the epidemic. Earlier this year, HRC announced it is 
significantly expanding its work dedicated to justice for the transgender 
community. The organization will advance new initiatives working alongside 
community advocates to focus on economic empowerment; capacity-building 
programs; targeted task forces in communities hardest hit by the epidemic of 
anti-trans violence; and expanded public education campaigns.

There are a number of actions outlined in the report that lawmakers can take to 
address the violence, including passing non-discrimination protections; 
enhancing law enforcement response and training; improving data collection and 
reporting; reforming laws that have the impact of criminalizing marginalized 
communities and undermining public health; and adopting common-sense gun 
violence protections.

This year’s annual report found that since the start of the year, at least 22 
transgender and gender non-conforming people have been killed in the U.S., all 
but one were Black. Since January 2013, HRC has documented more than 150 
transgender and gender non-conforming people who were victims of fatal 
violence; at least 127 were transgender and gender non-conforming people of 
color. Nearly nine in every 10 victims were transgender women and 58 percent of 
all domestic deaths occurred in the U.S. South. These disturbing numbers likely 
underreport deadly violence targeting transgender and gender non-confirming 
people, who may not be properly identified as transgender or gender 

In addition to the 22 transgender and gender non-conforming people killed by 
fatal violence, the report also profiles two other cases of transgender women, 
Johana ‘Joa’ Medina and Layleen Polanco, whose deaths remain under 
investigation. Both were likely impacted by circumstances fostered by hate, 
indifference and dehumanization. Medina, 25, died at a hospital in El Paso, 
Texas, just hours after being released from ICE custody. She suffered severe 
health complications that went untreated while she was in detention, according 
to Diversidad Sin Fronteras. Her family filed a wrongful death and personal 
injury claim against ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. Polanco, 27, 
was found dead in solitary confinement at Rikers Island on June 7. Her family 
says authorities knew she had epilepsy and failed to provide her proper 
treatment despite her condition.

The report comes just days after the Federal Bureau of Investigation released 
2018’s hate crimes data, which found an alarming 34 percent increase in violent 
hate-based attacks on transgender people between 2017 and 2018. 

Last week, HRC commemorated the annual Transgender Awareness Week, which is 
dedicated to illuminating both the progress and unfinished work in the fight 
for transgender equality. Throughout the week, HRC featured several transgender 
activists on the frontlines of change across the country, including Kiara St. 
James and Marissa Miller. On Wednesday, transgender people and their allies 
will gather in communities across the country to mark Transgender Day of 

For more information on the Human Rights Campaign’s work on transgender 
equality, visit: http://www.hrc.org/explore/topic/transgender.


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