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I feel guilty that here where I live -- near the coast in South East
Queensland -- the weather is currently benign.
No fires about me. The air cannot be seen nor snorted.
Coffee in the pot and a flushing toilet.
A long way from the conflagrations to the south and west of the continent.
Getting my head around this crisis is very difficult. I may be a climate
change proponent of long standing, but if you asked me a few weeks back
that our Summer would burn like this I'd have called you an apocalyptic
We are in January by only a few days.
As for the incompetent circus performed by (prime minister) Morrison...I
can only think of what happened to Mussolini if the Australian people ever
accepted lynching as a lifestyle choice.

Marx wrote, "All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is
profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real
conditions of life, and his relations with his kind."

Here the melt is very real.

dave riley
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