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*This interview is from Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM
<https://awsm.nz/>) and is the first of an ongoing series of interviews
they plan to do with workers from various sectors who are having their well
being and livelihoods damaged. They begin with an educator in Southland.
Due to the attitude and actions of his employers, he has asked to remain
anonymous.  Thanks to AWSM for sharing this with us.*


Workers in Aotearoa (like workers everywhere) are under attack from those
who own and control the undemocratic places where we are employed. The
corporate media have little interest in bringing this to light. So, its up
to us at the bottom of this system to highlight the reality we are

*AWSM*: Thanks for agreeing to this interview.  Would you like to tell us
something about your work.

*WORKER*: Hi, I’m an educator with adults, young and the not so young,
looking to upskill their literacy

*AWSM*: Do you enjoy your work?

*WORKER*: Immensely. It’s making a useful contribution to society, and
while I am aware really the main demands of my job are to make people fit
for capitalism, in terms of being upskilled to join the employment force, l
like to embed a lot of critical thinking skills around, for example,
checking sources of news articles and what bias may come from them,
interpreting the difference between facts and opinions, and seeing through
advertising. In this way I like to think at least I’m giving people tools
to deal with the capitalist media system, or at least attempting to.

*AWSM*: Is there anything you don’t like?

*WORKER*: Well yes, my terms and conditions leave a lot to be desired. For
example. . . .

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