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Something which the ruling Hindutva Fascist BJP least expected is emerging. 
Crowds of thousands of protestors are holding day and 
night vigils in the cold nights around the country. At the gates of JMI 
University, which had seen police attacking and severely 
trashing  students three weeks ago, these protests are continuing despite 
police repression. And the crowds keep growing with parents 
also joining their protesting children and now the general public is also 
joining the protests. The government had started a viscous 
campaign that these protests are engineered by the Communists and other enemies 
of the nation. One Lawmaker had gone to the 
extent of asking the police to shoot down the "mad dogs protesting in the 
By introducing the Citizenship Amendment Act, the Hindutva Fascists thought 
that they can deprive 180 million Muslims of their 
citizenship and then engineer communal riots against Muslims. But things turned 
out to be different. More Hindus are protesting and 
showing solidarity with their Muslim brothers and say that India can not be 
divided on communal lines. The most popular slogan is, 
"Hindus and Muslims, We are one. We are Indians."
This is what is making Modi to shiver. And the young Communist student leader 
Kanhaiya Kumar is addressing many meetings and 
evoking very enthusiastic response with his "Azadi" (means Freedom in Urdu) 
song. The song is so popular all over the country and 
you can see thousands of middle aged Hindu and Muslim women chanting along with 
Kanhayya Kumar. 
The song briefly says:
we demand Azadi (freedom)
Freedom from Hindutva repression
Freedom from BJP (the ruling party)
Freedom from hunger
Freedom from suit-boot (an allusion to the million rupee suit that Modi wears 
with pomp)
We want freedom in a free country
Freedom that Gandhi dreamed of
Freedom that Bahgat Singh dreamed of (a martyr in the fight with the British 
You bring police, but we want Azadi
You fire bullets, but we want Azadi
You try anything, but we will achieve our freedom... You TubeVideo: Kanhaiya in 
Shaheen Bagh

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Kanhaiya in Shaheen Bagh

Kanhaiya Kumar lands in Shaheen Bagh on Friday night as the women sit-in enters 
day 27.



Vijaya Kumar M

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