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Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin wall, an inability to see East European history in a global perspective still remains a major limitation for understanding the significance of socialism and the post-socialist transformation.. Achieving such a global perspective requires us to abstain from Cold War interpretation frameworks, which pictured East and West as separate and opposing worlds, as well as from the reactualization of such frameworks within contemporary geopolitical power struggles. Furthermore, it requires readjusting our focus towards the global dimensions of a deepening socio-economic and political crisis, including possible future mass extinction caused by climate change.

In the following, I bring forth several theses regarding this question, from a perspective situated in Hungary – the East Central European country that came to be seen today as the exemplary case of the “failure” of the liberal program of post-socialist regime change. In addition to a broader tradition of research inspired by a world-systems approach, as well as new approaches on socialism that apply a global methodology, these theses are based on a recent history of debates within new left perspectives that have emerged in the region in the last decades, as well as results of collective research within the Working Group for Public Sociology “Helyzet” in Budapest.

full: https://www.criticatac.ro/lefteast/socialism-and-development-six-theses-on-global-integration%ef%bb%bf/
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