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"Russia backs Damascus as it closes Syrian airspace." Well, yes, now, after
Russia allowed Syrian air space to be wide open to Turkey for at least 5
days while Turkey obliterated more Assadist genocide equipment than has
been destroyed in the entire war, killed hundreds of Assadist troops
(Turkey claims 2000), as well as dozens of Iran-led mercenaries from
various countries (leading Hezbollah to formally announce its withdrawal
from northern Syria, after Baathist child-killer chicken troops ran away
and left Hezbollah true-believers to face the music), bombed Assadist
airbases as far as Aleppo, shot down half a dozen Assadist warplanes etc.
All with not a peep from Moscow, which controls the airspace. The Assadist
social media sphere is apparently full of wingnuts in shock, cursing Moscow.

Highly ironic, too, considering it wasn't Assad that killed the 33 Turkish
troops that provoked Erdogan's revenge, it was Russia. Why did Russia first
bomb and kill Turkish troops - following years now when Erdogan and Putin
have been meeting and working on the Astana process etc - and then open
Syrian airspace to Turkey to decimate Assad's war toys? Hard to understand
until you understand that Putin is pure Machiavelli - he couldn't give a
stuff about Assad, but Russian power and influence requires Putin being the
king-maker to hammer out the ultimate deal between his junior partner
(Erdogan) and his satrap (Assad).

Obviously if Putin's dirty manoevres have resulted in this absolutely
beautiful spectacle of the destruction of so much of Assad's genocide toys,
then I don't hold that against Putin, maybe it was the best result ever of
anything Putin did - his regime as responsible as Assad's for the genocide
in Idlib until a few days ago. But of course at the end of the day Russia
remains in charge and now is drawing the line to Turkey. Which is also fine
for Turkey - after all, Turkey's response is the first time Erdogan has
done anything but talk as Assad/Putin bombed the place the pieces and drove
another million to the Turkish border (on top of a million or so already
there). Erdogan hoped Assad would understand that there was a line, as
Turkey needs a buffer zone to prevent an extra 2 million refugees on top of
the 3.7 million already in Turkey. But Assad did not stop - and the irony
is that it was Russia - much more than Iran which was playing a very minor,
back-seat role in idlib (due to it's anti-Kurdish alliance with Turkey) -
that was pushing this super-hard confrontation, virtually leading Assad on.

I think the deal is set, and it seems a Russo-Turkish (and possibly
American) understanding will emerge from this. In the circumstances, with
the crushing of the main revolutionary centres, a huge enough buffer zone
plus a ceasefire (one that is actually a ceasefire this time, due to Turkey
FINALLY showing what it can do if necessary) is, unfortunately, probably
the best that can be hoped for at the moment in simple humanitarian terms.
That is the problem with the rebels being dependent on Turkey, but then
again that is something they were basically forced into. Turkey could
provide them with the weapons so they could keep shooting down Assad planes
themselves, rather than relying on Turkey doing it when it suits Turkey,
but it won't.

Needless to say, that means we should have no trust in Turkey's ambitions
and motivations, and given its occupation of nearby Afrin it is certainly
understandable if Afrin Kurds have mixed feelings about enhanced Turkish
power nearby, but for the 3.5 million people in Idlib, and for Syrians all
over Syria and the diaspora, this Turkish action of reducing Assad's forces
to rubble is the biggest cause for celebration for many years, the only
decisive hit against Assad ever, and I personally am celebrating with them.
Just a few days ago, the chicken-shit regime was still shooting old women
in the back as they were already fleeing, was bombing 10 schools in one
day, was bombing the IDP camps where they had fled to, and today it is
revealed to the whole world that when Assad has to fight an actual armed
force, rather than children, hospital patients and medical workers, old
people and fleeing refugees, his killing equipment becomes rubble and his
"troops' duck for cover.

If only this had been done in 2012, hundreds of thousands of lives would
have been saved and most Syrian cities would not be rubble.
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