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re the anecdote Dayne passed along (snipped quote below): Tony Mazzocchi
often used that story as evidence of the need for a Labor Party. And health
care was always at the center of the Party's activities.
IMO the corona virus catastrophe could put independent political action
back on the agenda, as unions and allies fight to make the bosses pay for
the crisis.
Dayne wrote:
"It was evident Hillary is thinking a lot about politics.  Can you
realistically tell me, she asked, that there are any big powers that
support single-payer and that can take on the insurance industry’s lobbying
and advertising budget?  “I said, ‘About 70 percent of the U.S. people
favor something like a single-payer system,’” Himmelstein recalls.  “‘With
presidential leadership that can be an overwhelming force.’  She said,
‘David, tell me something interesting.’”
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