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RKOB is certainly right about one thing: The world capitalist class and all
their representatives are watching this and thinking about how they can use
it. Already, it seems the strike of graduate students in the University of
California system is collapsing. It's simply not possible to run a strike
virtually. Not only that, but a huge number of workers are now working from
home. I think that is a very regressive policy since it separates workers.
I think that will continue after this is over.

We should all remember Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine". For all its
weaknesses (and there was one serious one), it made an excellent point:
That capitalism will use any shock that comes about, whether socially made
or made by the forces of nature, to advance its agenda. Most certainly it
will use this pandemic. And that is despite the fact that while it has been
brought about by a pathogen and the fact that this sort of zoonotic disease
is becoming increasingly common, the means of transmission of those
pathogens (wildlife encroachment and factory farming, are a direct result
of capitalist development.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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