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Regarding this Vox article that Louis posted: The article asks how Covid-19
is spread and only mentions droplets in the air (from coughing or
sneezing). It doesn't mention touching an object on which the virus is
present. It says: 'Vox’s Julia Belluz explains
“When these virus-laden droplets from an infected person reach the nose,
eyes, or mouth of another, they can transmit the disease.” But it’s still
unknown how significant other modes of transmission are in spreading the

Everything I have read says that it can be spread by touching an object
where the virus is. See, for example this article from Harvard Health:

I'm guessing this is just an oversight on the part of Vox. If so, that is
pretty sloppy reporting.

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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