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"At night the stores are filthy due to the influx of customers flocking the
stores during the day panic buying. The night crews find all kinds of nasty
things left on the shelves by customers that they have to touch and remove
while wearing no safety gear. Night after night it’s a mad rush to fill up
shelves working hundreds if not thousands of cases of freight only for the
shelves to still look barren. The entire shift it’s in your mind “what
germs did customers leave behind and will I be the one that gets infected
with Covid – 19?” Showing up for work every day is like you’re playing a
continuous game of Russian Roulette! That mind set causes a lot of stress.

The “little things”
Little things we used to take for granted like taking a drink of water or
going to the bathroom has dramatically changed. Before drinking water, wash
your hands first. Before going the bathroom room and after, wash your
hands. Touching door handles, everything we did in the past unconsciously
you now have to think about to protect yourself. In general grocery stores
are a petri dish just waiting for infection to happen and the company is
doing no real extra cleaning or sanitizing to protect workers.

"For grocery workers working the day shift they have whole other issues to
deal with."


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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