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Predictably, Bernie Sanders did not win the Democratic Party's nomination
for president, and - just as predictably - he has graciously pledged his
loyalty to the Democrats and for their barely functional candidate.

The Democrats will modify their platform to appeal to Sander's supporters,
will nominate a woman for VP, probably a woman of color, make changes in
the DNC, and promise to give the Sandernistas a voice in the party's inner

Biden could even go on to win in the general election against Trump, in
something like the final scene of Bertolucci's 1900 only much worse.

Most of his disappointed followers will vote for Biden, especially if
Bernie campaigns for Biden.

With Trump's consistently awful management of the pandemic, and the economy
plummeting, he should be able to lose this election no matter who the
Democrats run. This is especially true given Trump's enormous angst to get
the economy going again before the pandemic has run through its first wave.

Neither Sanders himself nor the possibility of his election ever should
have been the primary focus of revolutionaries. Sanders was made possible
by a mass movement that is being born - not called into being by Sanders
the great caudillo of the left - but growing in the pores of society
because of the degeneration of society as capitalism decays.

Sanders touched what was already there: massive disaffection with the
medical and education systems of the United States, massive disaffection
with the housing crisis, massive resistance to violations of immigrant
rights, Black lives matter, Me Too...

The fact that Sanders calls himself a socialist is good for this movement
because it will continue to think of itself as socialist, not Liberal, and
not just Progressive. Thank you Bernie, you have played your role in

Sanders loss was not a historic defeat for "the parliamentary road to
socialism". It was just one episode. Labor and Social Democratic Parties
have lost lots of elections and come back for more. so have Communist
Parties and all sorts of other parties.

It was also not a historic defeat for the left in general in the United
States. The left is growing in the United States and will continue to grow
once Sanders himself leaves the stage.

The next stage is almost certainly going to be in the streets rather than
at the ballot box.

The protest movement that is likely to arise now will take a different form
if Trump is reelected than it will if Biden is elected, but it is
nevertheless on the agenda for the simple reason that society is in a deep
crisis, and this election is not going to resolve it in any way.

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