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On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 4:18 PM Ralph Johansen via Marxism
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> I don't think this has been posted here yet.
> https://www.democracyatwork.info/anti_capitalist_politics_in_the_time_of_covid_19_essay_by_dh

concluding sentences:
...On the economic front responses have been conditioned by the manner
of exodus from the crash of 2007-8. This entailed an ultra loose
monetary policy coupled with bailing out the banks supplemented by a
dramatic increase in productive consumption by a massive expansion of
infrastructural investment in China. The latter cannot be repeated on
the scale required. The bail-out packages set up in 2008 focused on
the banks but also entailed the de facto nationalization of General
Motors. It is perhaps significant that in the face of worker
discontents and collapsing market demand, the three big Detroit
auto-companies are closing down at least temporarily. If China cannot
repeat its 2007-8 role, then the burden of exiting from the current
economic crisis now shifts to the United States and here is the
ultimate irony: the only policies that will work, both economically
and politically, are far more socialistic than anything that Bernie
Sanders might propose and these rescue programs will have to be
initiated under the aegis of Donald Trump, presumably under the mask
of Making America Great Again. All those Repubicans who so viscerally
opposed the 2008 bail-out will have to eat crow or defy Donald Trump.
The latter, if he is wise, will cancel the elections on an emergency
basis and declare the origin of an Imperial presidency to save capital
and the world from riot and revolution.

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