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We must start from a recognition that we live in a deeply interconnected world, and that this is in no small part due to the deliberate decisions taken by Global North countries since the late 1970s. As their leaders lowered barriers to the internationalization of production and finance, firms looking to maintain rates of profit in the face of stiff competition from a newly ascendant Germany and Japan began to offshore production to countries with lower unit labor costs. In the ensuing decades, complex global value chains to produce goods developed that crisscross the entire globe. Lead firms based in the Global North, while avoiding legal liability for the condition of workers employed by their suppliers, still control and coordinate the entire production process. Goods including food, electronics, apparel, and even surgical masks, are now produced in value chains. It is along these modern-day trade and logistics routes that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has spread with such speed and lethality.


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