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This was no mistake, Louis.

> On June 5, 2020 at 2:17 PM Louis Proyect via Marxism 
> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu mailto:marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu > wrote:
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>     (The Gray Lady airs its dirty laundry.)
>     NY Times, June 5, 2020
>     New York Times Says Senator’s Op-Ed Did Not Meet Standards
>     By Marc Tracy, Rachel Abrams and Edmund Lee
>     Executives at The New York Times scrambled on Thursday to address the
>     concerns of employees and readers who were angered by the newspaper’s
>     publication of an opinion essay by a United States senator calling for
>     the federal government to send the military to suppress protests against
>     police violence in American cities.
>     James Bennet, the editor in charge of the opinion section, said in a
>     meeting with staff members late in the day that he had not read the
>     essay before it was published. Shortly afterward, The Times issued a
>     statement saying the essay fell short of the newspaper’s standards.
>     “We’ve examined the piece and the process leading up to its
>     publication,” Eileen Murphy, a Times spokeswoman, said in a statement.
>     “This review made clear that a rushed editorial process led to the
>     publication of an Op-Ed that did not meet our standards. As a result,
>     we’re planning to examine both short-term and long-term changes, to
>     include expanding our fact-checking operation and reducing the number of
>     Op-Eds we publish.”
>     The Op-Ed, by Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, was posted on the
>     Times website on Wednesday afternoon with “Send In the Troops” as its
>     headline. “One thing above all else will restore order to our streets:
>     an overwhelming show of force to disperse, detain and ultimately deter
>     lawbreakers,” the senator wrote.
>     More than 800 staff members signed a letter protesting its publication,
>     according to a union member involved in the letter. Addressed to
>     high-ranking editors in the opinion and news divisions, as well as New
>     York Times Company executives, the letter argued that Mr. Cotton’s essay
>     contained misinformation, such as his depiction of the role of “antifa”
>     in the protests.
>     Dozens of Times employees objected to the Op-Ed on social media, despite
>     a company policy that instructs them not to post partisan comments or
>     take sides on issues. Many of them responded on Twitter with the
>     sentence, “Running this puts Black @NYTimes staff in danger.” More than
>     160 employees planned a virtual walkout for Friday morning, according to
>     two organizers of the protest.
>     Conversation and debate filled videoconference meetings for many
>     newsroom departments on Thursday. The newspaper scheduled a town-hall
>     meeting for Friday to allow employees to express their concerns to
>     company leaders, including A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher; Dean Baquet,
>     the executive editor; and Mr. Bennet, the editorial page editor.
>     Mr. Bennet said in a video meeting attended by Mr. Sulzberger and
>     employees late on Thursday that he had not read Mr. Cotton’s essay
>     before it was published, according to two people who were present.
>     On Thursday morning, Mr. Sulzberger had sent an email to the staff
>     backing the Op-Ed’s publication.
>     “I believe in the principle of openness to a range of opinions, even
>     those we may disagree with, and this piece was published in that
>     spirit,” he wrote. “But it’s essential that we listen to and reflect on
>     the concerns we’re hearing, as we would with any piece that is the
>     subject of significant criticism. I will do so with an open mind.”
>     He added, “We don’t publish just any argument — they need to be
>     accurate, good faith explorations of the issues of the day.”
>     On Thursday night, Mr. Sulzberger struck a somewhat different tone in a
>     Slack message sent to company employees. He said that “a rushed
>     editorial process” led to the publication of an Op-Ed “that did not meet
>     our standards.” He added that an editor’s note from the newspaper’s
>     standards department was on its way.
>     “Given that this is not the first lapse, the Opinion department will
>     also be taking several initial steps to reduce the likelihood of
>     something like this happening again,” Mr. Sulzberger said. He added that
>     the opinion section would “rethink Op-Eds, generally” for the social
>     media age.
>     Mr. Bennet had also defended publishing the Op-Ed early on Thursday,
>     saying in an article published on the Times website that he disagreed
>     with Mr. Cotton’s opinion but believed that it was important to publish
>     views that ran counter to his own.
>     “It would undermine the integrity and independence of The New York Times
>     if we only published views that editors like me agreed with, and it
>     would betray what I think of as our fundamental purpose — not to tell
>     you what to think, but to help you think for yourself.”
>     Through a Times spokeswoman, Mr. Sulzberger and Mr. Bennet declined
>     requests for interviews.
>     The Op-Ed was handled by Adam Rubenstein, an editor in the opinion
>     section, according to staff members in that department. Several of them
>     said they had not been aware of the article before it was published.
>     During the editing process, Mr. Rubenstein asked a photo editor, Jeffrey
>     Henson Scales, for photographs of state and federal forces who were sent
>     to the University of Mississippi in 1962 to quell segregationists
>     protesting the enrollment of the first African-American student at the
>     school. Mr. Cotton had cited the military’s role in desegregation to
>     make the case for sending troops into the streets.
>     Mr. Scales raised an objection. “A false equivalence, but historical
>     images are there now,” he wrote to Mr. Rubenstein on Slack, the internal
>     messaging software used by Times employees.
>     “Yeah, there are a few in there,” Mr. Rubenstein responded, adding an
>     emoji of a frowning face.
>     Mr. Scales objected again in the Opinion section’s Slack channel shortly
>     after it was published online, calling the Op-Ed “highly inappropriate.”
>     At the time he was unaware that the essay had already appeared online,
>     he said in an interview.
>     Mr. Rubenstein referred a request for comment to a Times spokeswoman,
>     who did not reply to inquiries.
>     In a video meeting of the opinion department on Thursday afternoon, Mr.
>     Bennet and James Dao, the deputy editorial page editor, acknowledged
>     that there had been a breakdown in the process of preparing the essay
>     for publication, according to four people who attended it. The editors
>     said that the article had been fact-checked, but added that they would
>     fact-check it again. Mr. Dao did not reply to a request for comment.
>     Mr. Baquet, the executive editor, who oversees the news division, which
>     is run separately from the opinion department, said he heard from a
>     number of reporters and editors who believed that the Op-Ed did not meet
>     the standards of The Times.
>     “When my newsroom is agitated, I respond to that,” he said.
>     He acknowledged that some readers might not be aware of the wall
>     separating the news and opinion departments. He said he first saw the
>     Op-Ed when it was posted online.
>     “I’ve had very sophisticated people say to me, ‘I had no idea that
>     opinion and news were separate,’” he said, adding, “I don’t think we’ve
>     always done the best job in the world explaining that to people and
>     making the distinction.”
>     Mr. Baquet declined to comment on the substance of the Op-Ed, but said
>     he agreed with those who believe the opinion section should include a
>     wide range of views.
>     In the days leading up to the Op-Ed’s publication, Mr. Cotton called for
>     military action against what he saw as violent protests in a series of
>     tweets. In one he called for “No quarter for insurrectionists,
>     anarchists, rioters, and looters.” Giving “no quarter” to enemy
>     combatants is considered a war crime in modern international conflicts,
>     under a statute of the International Criminal Court.
>     On Thursday, the senator tweeted his praise for Times leadership: “They
>     ran my piece — even if they disagreed with it — and stood up to the woke
>     progressive mob in their own newsroom.”
>     But after The Times said the Op-Ed did not meet its standards, Mr.
>     Cotton’s office put out a statement: “We weren’t contacted by The New
>     York Times in advance of this statement and our editorial process was
>     similar to our past experiences at The New York Times and other
>     publications. We’re curious to know what part of that process and this
>     piece didn’t meet their standards.”
>     The senator had previously contributed to the opinion section, arguing
>     last year that the United States should buy Greenland.
>     Mr. Cotton has also clashed with Times editors. In 2006, as an Army
>     lieutenant serving in Iraq, Mr. Cotton called for the prosecution and
>     imprisonment of Bill Keller, then the executive editor of The Times, and
>     two of the paper’s reporters, Eric Lichtblau and James Risen. He accused
>     them of violating espionage laws in reporting how U.S. counterterrorism
>     officials had uncovered the funding schemes behind Al Qaeda and other
>     terrorist groups.
>     The national mood has been brought to a boil by a polarizing presidency,
>     a once-in-a-century pandemic and the protests touched off by the death
>     of George Floyd, a black man who was killed in police custody in
>     Minneapolis last month.
>     Mr. Bennet served as the paper's Jerusalem bureau chief before taking a
>     job as the editor in chief of The Atlantic in 2006. He returned to The
>     Times, as its editorial page editor, in 2016. He has hired several young
>     writers for the opinion section, many of them with expertise in the tech
>     industry, and added more conservative voices. Last year, Brent Staples,
>     a member of the opinion staff, won a Pulitzer Prize in editorial writing
>     for a series of columns on race and America.
>     Mr. Bennet’s tenure has had its bumps. Last year, a federal appellate
>     court found that Sarah Palin, the former vice-presidential candidate,
>     could proceed with a defamation lawsuit against The Times over an
>     editorial edited by Mr. Bennet that inaccurately linked her statements
>     to the 2011 shooting of a United States congresswoman.
>     Two years ago, Mr. Bennet hired a journalist as the opinion department’s
>     lead tech writer, only to rescind the job offer after a social media
>     storm over her past use of slurs and friendship with an internet troll
>     who had worked for a neo-Nazi website.
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