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Here's an article of mine on the vote of the Minneapolis City Council to
disband the police:

"When the police make a high-profile arrest, they make him or her walk in
public through the throng of reporters. On June 6, Minneapolis’s reform
minded young mayor, Jacob Frey, refused to commit to disbanding the police
in a crowd of thousands. He was booed and forced to do a “people’s perp
walk” through the crowd and back to his condo. Shortly after that, the
Minneapolis City Council voted to disband their police force. This is
attracting a lot of attention. But what does it really mean?
Oaklandsocialist talked with a union steward and anti-police brutality
activist in Minneapolis. We will call him “Activist”. He warned: “We have
to be prepared for them to do some things we wouldn’t expect.” In other
words, not allow those steps to undermine or divert the power of the
movement. He explained: “they’re not going to get rid of policing… they’re
going to move to some unique form of policing. The class relations are
going to remain the same.…” He said that he wouldn’t be surprised if
“abolish the police would win a popular vote among high school students.”
He continued: “Because this has become a popular slogan, it will be
difficult to just dress up the MPD…. They’re going to have to do some major
Read full article:

*“Science and socialism go hand-in-hand.” *Felicity Dowling
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