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I have to be honest for a second. As much as I have no love for Confederate
generals, I also have no love for military bases regardless of what names
are given, nor for any of the other legions of racists that preceded the
Confederacy in U.S. history.

While I think the neo-Confederates and Trumpists are trying to rally around
Confederate kitsch to defend white supremacy I think it is equally
questionable how sincere the opposing camp is to claim they are motivated
primarily by "anti-racism". A really anti-racist proposal would not involve
renaming the bases. It would involve decommissioning them altogether --
particularly Fort Benning which is where the notorious School of Americas

That being said I know these performative stunts are appealing to people
and I suppose there is no harm, so...

Amith R. Gupta

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 5:17 PM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> NY Times, June 11, 2020
> ‘A Slap in the Face’: Black Veterans on Bases Named for Confederates
> By Jennifer Steinhauer
> WASHINGTON — When Timothy Berry was recruiting black students for West
> Point, where he served as class president in 2013, he often reflected on
> his senior year, when he lived in the Robert E. Lee barracks. It
> bothered him then; it bothers him now.
> “I was trying to tell black and brown students that they would have a
> home there,” said Mr. Berry, who served as an Army captain with the
> 101st Airborne Division from 2013 to 2018. “It sent a very strong mixed
> message.”
> For many black service members, who make up about 17 percent of all
> active-duty military personnel, the Pentagon’s decision to consider
> renaming Army bases bearing the names of Confederate officers seems
> excruciatingly overdue. Generations of black service members signed up
> for the military to defend the values of their country, only to be
> assigned to bases named after people who represent its grimmest hour.
> “It is really kind of a slap in the face to those African-American
> soldiers who are on bases named after generals who fought for their
> cause,” said Jerry Green, a retired noncommissioned officer who trained
> at Ft. Bragg, N.C., which is named for a Confederate general, Braxton
> Bragg. “That cause was slavery.”
> There are 10 major Army installations named for generals who led
> Confederate troops — all in the former states of the Confederacy — as
> well as many streets and buildings on military academy campuses that are
> among at least 1,500 symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces in the
> United States.
> The push to rename military installations and place names is not new,
> and it is one that black service members and veterans, as well as groups
> including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
> People, have largely pursued.
> The movement this week seemed to attract a growing consensus, including
> among former senior military officials of all races, before President
> Trump declared on Wednesday that he would block any of those 10 bases
> from being renamed.
> A petition by the liberal group VoteVets received over 20,000 signatures
> in 24 hours urging the military to ban Confederate symbols and rename
> Army bases, a spokesman for the organization said. In a poll conducted
> this week and released Thursday by the group, 47 percent of 935
> registered voters surveyed said they would support the removal of
> Confederate imagery across the entire military.
> The Marine Corps issued a ban last week on displays of the Confederate
> battle flag at its installations, and the chief of naval operations,
> Adm. Michael M. Gilday, wrote on Twitter Tuesday that he had directed
> his staff to “begin crafting an order” banning such displays from public
> spaces and work areas on bases, ships, aircraft and submarines. Leaders
> in the Army have called for bipartisan commissions to explore changing
> the names of some its installations.
> “The unique thing about this moment is that white friends and colleagues
> now see this,” said Mr. Berry, who lives in New York.
> After a white supremacist rally in 2017 in Charlottesville, Va., turned
> deadly when a man drove into a crowd of counterprotesters, and after a
> white police officer fatally shot a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., in
> 2014, “these were conversations that black officers were having among
> themselves,” he said. “It was not an open conversation among their white
> peers.”
> The fights over statues and Confederate flags in public places have
> bubbled up often over the years, with their defenders repeatedly
> suggesting that banning or removing those items would be akin to erasing
> history.
> In 2015, shortly after a white supremacist killed black parishioners in
> a church in Charleston, S.C., a budget bill in Congress almost failed
> amid an ugly floor fight in which Democrats, led by black lawmakers from
> the South, beat back a push by Republicans to allow Confederate symbols
> at national cemeteries.
> This week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi once again called for the removal from
> the Capitol of 11 statues of Confederate figures, including Jefferson
> Davis and Robert E. Lee, the latest salvo in a yearslong battle. On
> Thursday, two veterans in the House also introduced bipartisan
> legislation to create a process to rename military installations named
> for Confederates within a year. The Senate Armed Services Committee
> separately advanced a similar measure with a three-year timeline.
> “I have been in every one of those barracks,” said Stephane Manuel,
> another West Point graduate who served in the Army from 2011 to 2017. “I
> studied in them and had friends there. I didn’t like it. The military
> hasn’t wanted to reconcile that the Confederate forces were traitors. I
> always felt from the mere moral standpoint of what they were fighting
> for went against what West Point stands for today.”
> On his deployments, the topic would come up now and then, Mr. Manuel
> said, often leaving him uncomfortable as his white colleagues defended
> the practice.
> “I felt it was best not to be political,” he said, noting that his
> experiences led him to establish an education technology start-up,
> TrueFiktion, which uses comics to tell “the untold stories of
> marginalized groups.” “I was often one of the few black officers. I felt
> it was better to leave my perspective at home.”
> For some middle-age and older veterans, particularly noncommissioned
> offices like Mr. Green, who retired from the Army in 1998, the
> realization of their indignities came later.
> “It wasn’t anything that stayed on my mind and I think that was because
> I was young,” he said. “I don’t ever remember ever having a conversation
> about it when I was on active duty. With my veteran friends, it later
> came more to light that African-American veterans were upset about it
> and it kind of enlightened me, too.”
> Soldiers at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina. The base is named for Braxton
> Bragg, a Confederate general.Credit...Bryan Woolston/Reuters
> Daniele Anderson, a former Navy officer who graduated in 2013 from the
> service’s academy in Annapolis, Md., and went on to serve until 2018,
> recalled how a professor at the school — later removed for other
> behaviors — wrote an Op-Ed that denigrated students from the military
> prep schools, who were disproportionately people of color. Leadership
> conferences rarely featured minority speakers. In her junior year, Ms.
> Anderson said, she was in charge of events for Black History Month, and
> found that the posters she put up around campus were frequently ripped
> down. “I was told by fellow classmates that was a regular occurrence
> during Black History Month,” she said.
> “There was always an underlying anxiety and the feeling that you have to
> always be alert and choosing your words carefully and not wanting to
> seem like you were playing the race card,” she said. “That really messed
> with a lot of black and minority students’ confidence. I think this
> social anxiety we have to navigate all the time really did contribute to
> lower performance.”
> Like others interviewed for this article, Ms. Anderson said the events
> of the last week made her cautiously optimistic that the military would
> view the fight over removing Confederate names and symbols as an
> opportunity to look deeper at its broader culture.
> “In the military, we have treated ourselves as if we are separate from
> society,” she said. “We have to know and understand that the military is
> part of society, because we draw our people from society, and we look at
> and listen to the same things as our civilian counterparts do.”
> As a black veteran, she said, “I am in a unique position of being able
> to say, ‘Hey, I went to this institution, I made great sacrifices to do
> so, and we are calling on these institutions so they can be the best
> versions of themselves.’ ”
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