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> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW <h-rev...@lists.h-net.org>
> Date: June 13, 2020 at 10:41:09 AM EDT
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Cc: H-Net Staff <revh...@mail.h-net.org>
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-Diplo]:  Oltman on Aleinikoff and  Zamore, 'The Arc 
> of Protection: Reforming the International Refugee Regime'
> Reply-To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Leah Zamore.  The Arc of Protection: 
> Reforming the International Refugee Regime.  Stanford  Stanford 
> University Press, 2019.  viii + 169 pp.  $14.00 (paper), ISBN 
> 978-1-5036-1141-2.
> Reviewed by Anna R. Oltman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
> Published on H-Diplo (June, 2020)
> Commissioned by Seth Offenbach
> In _The Arc of Protection,_ T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Leah Zamore 
> take up the dual perennial questions of refugee studies: what should 
> refugee protection consist of, and for whom? The term "arc" of 
> protection refers to the trajectory of refugee protection since the 
> mid-twentieth century, during which time there has been an expansion 
> of the range of actors who provide protection to refugees, the 
> content of that protection, and the categories of people who receive 
> protection. Though the authors are not overly sanguine about the 
> present state of the international refugee regime, they present this 
> historical arc as a progressive one that has moved beyond the overly 
> specific persecution-based regime imagined in the 1951 Refugee 
> Convention. The problem for today's refugee regime is that as our 
> understanding of who counts as a refugee and how the international 
> community ought to treat them has expanded, powerful states have 
> pushed back with ever more vigorous assertions of sovereignty. 
> The book begins in chapter 1, "The Inconvenient Refugee," by 
> examining the idea of refugee protection contained in the 1951 
> Refugee Convention and its evolution over time, culminating in the 
> 2016 Global Compact on Refugees. Whereas in the early years of the 
> post-World War II era the imperative for the international community 
> was to guarantee the rights of those who no longer had the protection 
> of a sovereign state, over time it has become increasingly focused on 
> humanitarian assistance for displaced people and the countries that 
> host them, primarily in the global South. This shift from rights to 
> rescue in the mission of the United Nations High Commissioner for 
> Refugees (UNHCR) and refugee advocacy groups has been well documented 
> in the literature, but the authors shed new light on the uneasy 
> relationship between state interests and individual rights that has 
> been its driving force. The Convention itself, they point out, was 
> not written to provide a framework for solving mass displacement but 
> rather to establish a pathway for individuals outside of the system 
> of sovereign nation-states to escape the condition of 
> "rightslessness." Yet this system was premised on the idea that most 
> displaced people would soon return to their country of origin or 
> integrate seamlessly into a country of first asylum, so that Western 
> states (as the drafters of the Refugee Convention) would only be 
> expected to absorb the relatively small number of individuals who 
> could do neither. The Convention makes no requirement that states 
> resettle refugees to their territory or support one another in their 
> local protection efforts. As the authors note, this leaves the legal 
> protection of refugee rights contingent on admittance to a state, 
> while also preserving the right of states to regulate entry and stay 
> on their territory. This is a system that privileges state 
> sovereignty over cooperation, though it is worth noting that with the 
> vast majority of displaced people today living either within their 
> country of origin or in neighboring states in the global South, it is 
> primarily the states of the global North that benefit from this 
> arrangement.   
> Chapter 2, "The International Protection Regime," illustrates how 
> this system reflects a contested and historically contingent 
> understanding of refugee protection. The legal and conceptual 
> foundations of the regime regard the treatment of refugees by host 
> societies as a stand-in for the protection that should be offered by 
> their countries of origin. Displaced people seeking asylum, 
> particularly in Western countries, must demonstrate that their origin 
> country has failed to protect them from political persecution, which 
> combined with the individual's flight from home constitutes a person 
> as a legitimate refugee. The authors argue that the stickiness of 
> this focus on persecution is at odds with how the arc of protection 
> has actually progressed, in that the providers of protection have 
> expanded over time to include a wider range of actors than just host 
> states, just as the scope of who can meaningfully be understood to be 
> a refugee has expanded as well. 
> What then is refugee protection, in theory or in practice? In chapter 
> 3, "Principles of Protection," the authors offer a theory of 
> protection based on the international responsibility to provide 
> displaced persons with safety, access to asylum, solutions to the 
> problem of displacement, and opportunities for mobility and voice. 
> This framework helpfully delineates the policy space of refugee 
> protection, which involves everything from patrolling and policing 
> unauthorized border crossings to providing health care and employment 
> opportunities to recognized refugees to addressing the root causes of 
> displacement in origin countries. The authors describe a regime that 
> reflects the key principles of refugee rights contained in 
> international law, refined and restated based on nearly a century of 
> refugee crises. For example, they argue that the principle of 
> _non-refoulement_, the Refugee Convention's requirement that states 
> not return displaced people to a country where they are likely to 
> face persecution, remains essential to the protection regime but must 
> be understood in an expanded way that acknowledges a range of harms 
> that return might cause beyond targeted political persecution. This 
> is both practical and just, and will strike readers familiar with the 
> often tortured applications of _non-refoulement_ in asylum law as a 
> sensible approach. 
> In general, this effort to articulate the principles of refugee 
> protection in a more general and practical way that takes into 
> account the complexity of contemporary displacement is an enormous 
> strength of this book. But if there is a place where these more 
> generalizable principles may give readers pause, it is in chapter 4, 
> "For Whom is International Protection Warranted?" Here, Aleinikoff 
> and Zamore take up the second perennial question of refugee studies: 
> protection for whom? As they acknowledge throughout the book, the 
> refugee regime's traditional focus on refugees as people who have 
> fled from political persecution has become almost absurdly 
> inappropriate for the world's displaced population, many of whom flee 
> generalized violence and instability rather than targeted 
> persecution, or whose experience of persecution is not readily 
> legible to asylum adjudicators as being political. In addition, over 
> half of the world's displaced people are internally displaced, 
> excluding them from refugee status altogether. The authors' proposed 
> concept of "necessary flight" speaks to a growing literature seeking 
> to redefine displacement in a way that reflects the manifold valid 
> reasons that people flee their homes. For some refugee advocates, who 
> have invested in the legal process of expanding the traditional 
> refugee definition to include victims of sexual and gender-based 
> violence, gang-related violence, and economic precarity, this is a 
> dangerous move in that it weakens the case for special protections 
> for designated refugees. This is an extremely difficult problem and 
> one that is likely to be the topic of debate for years to come. While 
> Aleinikoff and Zamore's theory participates in this debate, it should 
> primarily be understood as a framework for responding to the global 
> collective action problem of mass displacement, rather than the 
> technical and legal problem of refugee status determination within 
> host countries. 
> The book's concluding chapter presents a framework for reform, which 
> the authors helpfully contrast to what they see as an existing 
> liberal consensus on how to repair the refugee regime. Chief among 
> these contrasts is the point that even progressive-minded reformers 
> tend to push for incremental changes within a system that preserves 
> state discretion above all else. For Aleinikoff and Zamore, reform 
> ought to prioritize global responsibility-sharing. They make a 
> compelling case that even if such a system asks more of countries in 
> the global North, the current regime is so skewed in terms of the 
> burden placed on less powerful countries that such a shift should not 
> be too much to ask. 
> Overall, this book is an essential read for scholars, advocates, and 
> students of refugee protection at all levels of knowledge. Readers 
> with a background in international affairs will find the explanation 
> of today's protection system in terms of burden-sharing across states 
> to be a straightforward and accessible introduction to the problem of 
> providing refugee protection in an international system of sovereign 
> states. Those with a sophisticated understanding of refugee law and 
> the protection regime will find that the propositions for reform 
> speak directly to the ongoing debates around both state 
> responsibility and the definition of "refugee," while all readers 
> will be invited to imagine a more just and efficacious system of 
> protection.         
> Citation: Anna R. Oltman. Review of Aleinikoff, T. Alexander; Zamore, 
> Leah, _The Arc of Protection: Reforming the International Refugee 
> Regime_. H-Diplo, H-Net Reviews. June, 2020.
> URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=54909
> This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 
> Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States 
> License.
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