In an important interview the other day on Democracy Now, both Mel
Zelaya and his wife Xiomara came out with highly critical statements
of Hillary Clinton, suggesting she is backpedaling on State Dept.
support for the restoration of democracy in Honduras. Xiomara
expressed indignation that the US government has not taken more
forceful measures such as cutting off all aid, which in her mind means
the US government is supporting the coup regime.

It seems that not only the Zelayas are arguing for Sra. Clinton to
take a more forceful stance against Micheletti and the coup mongers.
Here the Garifuna Afro-Caribe organization, OFRANEH, is highly
critical of the "hesitant declarations of Clinton", and the  "aroma of
intervention in the internal affairs of Honduras by the State
Department and the Pentagon".

And in an interesting backhanded rebuke to the symbolic gesture of
golpista visa retractions announced by State, OFRANEH suggests the USA
should accept these torturers and plunderers as their own.

Greg McDonald

National Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras on 1 month
Anniversary of Coup de'etat
Clinton and the third generation coup d'etat in Honduras.

Since June 28th in Honduras there has been a historic leap backwards,
reverting the country to the unfortunate epoch of the military boots
as an axis of governance and elimination of human rights.

The coup d'etat is rooted in the politics of the neoconservateives of
the epoch of the Bush regime, who started an offensive years ago to
stop the Latin American social movement and the achievements obtained
in the continent.

Despite the supposed political change that happened in the United
States, the strategy in the management of its relations with overseas
colonies has not been altered; and what has been established as its
inclination for "preventative wars," in this case was reduced to a
preventative coup d'etat, with the aroma of intervention in the
internal affairs of Honduras by the State Department and the Pentagon.

After the initial reactions of repudiation of the coup by Barack Obama
and the hesitant declarations of Hillary Clinton, who didn't dare to
declare what had happened a coup d'etat, the ambiguity of the
government of the United States was up in the air, and the doubts
about its participation in the coup d'etat increased.

Honduras has a dramatic history strung through a series of coup
d'etats and interventions by the United States. In the heart of the
country is the Soto Cano military base, which has over 600 U.S.
soldiers and the longest runway of the Central American isthmus. On
top of this, Honduras lent itself to being a launch point for the
empire with the purpose of attacking Nicaragua during the decade of
the 80's, with the Soto Cano base being a legacy of that fratricidal

President Manuel Zelaya accepted in good faith the mediation of
President Oscar Arias, at the request of Mrs. Clinton, opening an
interregnum of negotiations, which turned into a time buying scheme to
sanction the coup government and dilute the social movement that has
supported a return to constitutional order in a persistent and heroic

However, the so-called negotiations have been riddled with
contradictions and interventions on the part of Mrs. Clinton and her
agents. In the first round of negotiations in San Jose, Mr. Bennet
Ratcliff was consulted step-by-step by the delegation representing the
coup (1), while Lanny Davis was contracted by Honduran businessmen to
lobby in Washington in favor of the de facto government. It is an
enormous coincidence that both Ratcliff and Davis are lawyers close to
Hillary Clinton; Davis stands out as a specialist in attacking Barack
Obama in the 2008 campaign (2).

The coup has been categorized by the coup government as a
constitutional succession, opening the doors for a new coup modality.
In the 19th century the emergence of Latin American republics led to
caudillismo, which has been depicted to society by our imaginative
literature, and lasted up until the despotic figure Augusto Pinochet.
By the end of the 20th century a second generation of coups emerged,
such as that led by Alberto Fujimori in 1992, when he closed Congress
in Peru, a model followed a year later by Elias Serrano in Guatemala.

The case of Honduras may be the start of a new tendency, the 3rd
generation coup d'etat or preventative coups, fabricated by the
judiciary in conspiracy with the legislature and of course with the
permission of the military. This strategy would be determinant to stop
the social achievements that are being harvested in the continent and
would destroy the economic block that started with ALBA, specifically
those countries with great energy potential.

The systematic violation of human rights, accompanied by the
state-of-siege that has lasted for nearly a month, and the denegration
of the right to movement that is occurring on Honduras’ border with
Nicaragua, besides the manhunt for protesters supporting the ousted
president, is the direct responsibility of the U.S. government,
especially Mrs. Hillary Clinton. She seems to be seeking reprisal for
the attitude of Mel Zelaya and the State of Honduras at the last
meeting of the OAS in San Pedro Sula, a month before the coup, in
which the organization finally corrected its disastrous policy towards

The days continue to pass and the Honduran people continue to show
their repudiation of the coup government, the oligarchy and hence the
imperialist politics of the U.S. government. It is time for the
Clinton-Obama administration to assume responsibility for their
actions and clarify their position once and for all. Coups do not
generate confidence among the people and obliterate any potential
relationship of trust with Latin America. The days of hegemony have
expired and the empire can now start to receive within it a series of
torturers and plunderers that have been imposed on us over the last


La Ceiba, Honduras, July 27, 2009

Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña, OFRANEH
Teléfono (504) 4420618, (504) 4500058
Av 14 julio, calle 19, Contiguo Vivero Flor Tropical, Barrio Alvarado,
La Ceiba, Honduras,
Posted by mgj at 3:50 PM 0 comments

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