International Liaison Committee of Workers & Peoples
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ILC Interview with Honduran Labor & Resistance Leader Carlos H. Reyes

[Note: Following is an interview conducted by the
ILC International Newsletter with Carlos H.
Reyes, general secretary of the Beverage Industry
Workers Union (STIBYS), leader of the Bloque
Popular and member of the Coordinating Committee
for the National Front Against the Coup. The
interview took place on Monday, July 27, 2009 --
three days before Brother Reyes was badly beaten
at a peaceful march of striking public-sector
workers demanding the immediate and unconditional
reinstatement of President Manuel Zelaya. At this
writing, Brother Reyes is still hospitalized. --

ILC: On Sunday [July 26] there was an attack on
the union headquarters. What happened?
Reyes: The assembly of the National Front had
finished 15 minutes before the attack occurred.
The participants had gathered for a memorial to
the young man, Pedro Muñoz, who was killed by the
Honduran army on the border with Nicaragua. There
were no victims from the attack on our

ILC: Was this a warning to your union and to the Front?
Reyes: No question about it.

ILC: Who makes up the Front, and what are its objectives?
Reyes: The resistance is composed of popular
organizations from around the country. To begin
with, there are three union federations: the
CUTH, the CTH and the CGT. There are
organizations of campesinos, students, women, and
indigenous peoples. There are also churches and
human rights groups. There is the Party for
Democratic Unification (UD), a small party on the
left, as well as a section of the Liberal Party
that supports Zelaya. The main objective of the
Front is to ensure the return to institutional
legality, the reinstatement of President Mel
Zelaya, and the continuation of the process
toward the Constituent Assembly.

ILC: What did the assembly of the Front decide on July 26?
Reyes: We decided to continue the resistance
movement, issue a new call for a national work
stoppage on Thursday and Friday, July 30 and 31,
and continue with the sit-ins and highway

ILC; What is your position on the Arias Plan? (1)
Reyes: Our position has been crystal clear from
the beginning. We are against this so-called
mediation. We cannot accept the recognition of a
de-facto government established by a coup d'etat.
This is a military dictatorship. We reaffirm our
demand for the immediate and unconditional return
of institutional legality and the continuation of
the process toward a Constituent Assembly.

We are also opposed to the two-track position of
the U.S. administration. On one hand, Obama
condemns the coup but on the other hand the U.S.
military-industrial complex supports it. Besides,
it is clear that the Honduran dictatorship is not
willing to accept the Arias Plan.

ILC: What is the present situation on the border with Nicaragua?
Reyes: Thousands of people mobilized to the
border to escort their present back to the
capital, but they were blocked by the army, which
had cordoned off entire regions and instituted a
state of siege. Hundreds of activists were
detained, and there has already been the first
assassination -- that of compañero Pedro Muñoz.
The situation is intolerable.

ILC; How did this entire struggle begin? What prompted it?
Reyes: At the root of it all is the undemocratic
1982 Constitution, which allowed the large
businessmen and the multinationals to monopolize
all the power. (2) It promoted "free trade" and
sweatshop pass-though industries, which have
destroyed the national production of our country
and our jobs. They, the oligarchy, are the ones
who have benefited from the 1982 Constitution and
who organized the June 28 coup to preserve their

ILC: What should the international labor movement do on your behalf?
Reyes: We need the broadest possible solidarity
from the international labor movement. Through
you, we call on all the workers' organizations
worldwide to organize the most powerful
solidarity effort with our resistance movement.

Our union, the Beverage Industry Workers Union
(STIBYS), has issued an appeal to the
International Union of Food Workers (IUF). We
especially call on the dockworkers and their
unions to block the ports and boycott all cargo
bound for Honduras. And we call on you to demand
of your governments that they act decisively to
promote the return of institutional legality in
our country, just as the main international
institutions have demanded.



(1) Seven-point "mediation" plan put together by
Costa Rican President Oscar Arias at the behest
of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary that would
permit Zelaya to return to Honduras but on the
condition that he form a "national unity
government" with the coup plotters and that he
explicitly renounce the effort to promote a
Constituent Assembly and a new constitution.

(2) The 1982 Constitution in Honduras, the
country's 15th Constitution, was drafted by a
71-member "Constituent Assembly" selected by the
brutal and pro-oligarchy military junta headed by
Policarpio Paz García. It is so undemocratic that
even the U.S. State Department report on human
rights in 1992 had to acknowledge that there are
no safeguards in the document that protect basic
democratic and human rights. The demand to draft
a new Constitution in the interest of the workers
and peasants of Honduras has been a long-held
demand of the workers' and popular movement in
that country.

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