Day of fierce fighting at occupied South Korean car factory
by Owen Miller in Seoul

The attack began at dawn today and lasted until late afternoon. Under a hail of 
metal bolts and stones from Ssangyong company thugs, liquid tear gas dropped 
from police helicopters, incessant loud music and an all-out assault by police 
commandos armed with steel pipes and taser guns, the occupying workers at the 
Ssangyong auto factory in Pyongtaek, South Korea, have held out for one more 

They forced back a number of attempts by police to retake the car plant’s 
paintshop, using every means at their disposal including flaming barricades, 
petrol bombs, slingshots and anti-helicopter spikes.

This sort of fierce resistance reflects the real desperation of workers faced 
with the loss of their jobs and unlikely to find another in South Korea’s harsh 
labour market. It is also a reaction to the sheer brutality of the company and 
the Korean government in their repeated attempts to crush the occupying 
workers. There is a widespread belief here that the right wing Lee Myung-bak 
government wants to make an example of the Ssangyong workers and achieve a 
decisive victory against unionised labour in Korea in order to pave the way for 
more widespread restructuring.

There are now around 500-540 workers left inside the factory’s paintshop, 
living under terrible conditions after more than two months of occupation. The 
company and police have been enforcing a complete blockade on the occupying 
workers and for the last week they have had very little to eat or drink and 
practically no water to use for washing or going to the toilet. Many of the 
workers have sustained injuries during the last week of fighting but the 
company and police have consistently tried to block medical aid from reaching 

Negotiations took place at the weekend between management and union leaders but 
they were broken off by the company on Sunday morning. Now the company, which 
has been under bankruptcy protection since February, faces liquidation in the 
next day or two and it is likely that many more will lose their jobs. Although 
it is clear that nationalisation is the only solution for the ailing car 
company, the Lee Myung-bak government seems quite happy to let it sink as long 
as it can score a victory against a militant section of the working class.
The remaining workers say they are ready to fight on and are surrounded by 
thousands of litres of flammable liquids which pose a threat to both themselves 
and the attacking police. On the outside of the paintshop building the 
occupiers have daubed the words, “If you don’t want to talk, you’d better kill 
us all!”

The families of the Ssangyong workers have been camped outside the plant for 
weeks and themselves faced violent attacks from company thugs and 
strike-breaking employees who have smashed up their tents in the early hours of 
the morning. This evening at 6.30pm, as the day of fighting came to an end, 
they released green helium balloons over the factory as a signal of solidarity 
with their loved ones inside the occupation. Despite their pleas for more 
negotiations there is little doubt that tomorrow morning will bring another 
savage assault from the police.

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