Greg says

For its part, the ELN says this is the first phase of a US plan to
invade Venezuela. They call on unity with FARC to defeat the US
invasion, by preventing the US consolidation of military bases in
Colombian territory. End of quote

The first and primary target are the insurgent groups and since there is
only one currently on campaigns, because the ELN is not, then this leaves
the FARC. Some sections, not all of both groups have had intense rivalry,
and for this reason there are no accords between them.
This call to arms by the ELN and a rapprochement with the FARC is surprising
and more interesting than the content of its missive about attacks to
Venezuela. Do not doubt that there will be intense bombing of the areas
controlled by the insurgency, civil population notwithstanding.

In short the air bases are not aimed at Venezuela the state, as countless
analysts from have suggested. Their presence has initially negotiated with
Bush, what has changed is the speed and brazenness with which they have
announced an increase in the number of bases originally agreed to.

Look the US could have invaded Cuba, if it chose to many years ago, but it
did not. It would not seem even militarily expedient to attack Venezuela for
what, militarily speaking of course? Venezuela still supplies the US with
gold and both parties seem to be happy in this regard.

This said, OIL may be another key factor, as it was on the war on Iraq. What
is at stake is the protection of an intensification of the drilling and
mining industries which happens to be on the Ecuadorean and Venezuelan
border with Colombia. And these the US will fight for.

Another factor, strategically speaking the US had no land base for the
flights of the aircraft of the fourth fleet which was launched into the
Caribbean a year ago. So now the US has a land base and the necessary naval
force in the Caribbean and there is no count on how many mercenaries are in

I seem to recall that Venezuela closed its airspace to the US military quite
a long time ago, but it still allows Colombian air force, following the
usual protocols, to fly over its territory, however, what happens next in
this regard, in the sense of an increase in flights will indicate whether in
fact Venezuela believes that the bases, now fully operated by Colombian
mercenaries have their sights on Venezuela.

On 06/08/09 5:32 PM, "Greg McDonald" <> wrote:

> Uribe makes his first stop in Bolivia, part of a Latin American tour
> to drum up support for the gringo base expansion. Morales expresses
> his opposition to the plan, and in general to the presence of US
> military forces in Latin America. A threat to democracy, he said.
> UNASUR plans to meet. Uribe said he will not attend.
> For its part, the ELN says this is the first phase of a US plan to
> invade Venezuela. They call on unity with FARC to defeat the US
> invasion, by preventing the US consolidation of military bases in
> Colombian territory.
> Greg McD
> (VIDEO) ELN afirma que EEUU prepara invasión a Venezuela: Instalación
> de 7 bases militares gringas confirma Uribe
> Por: Agencias / 
> Fecha de publicación: 05/08/09
> Agosto 5 de 2009.- El presidente colombiano Álvaro Uribe inició ayer
> una gira por países de Suramérica con el fin de despejar inquietudes
> acerca del acuerdo militar que negocia con EEUU, que considera
> "positivo"
> Según altos jefes militares de EEUU y de Colombia, la instalación de
> las bases sólo debe ser temida por "terroristas y narcotraficantes".
> El Mandatario, que está acompañado de su canciller, Jaime Bermúdez,
> visitó ayer mismo Perú y Bolivia. Su homólogo Alan García se
> solidarizó ante lo que definió como "situaciones enojosas que
> presentan a Colombia lamentablemente como víctima de algunos hechos
> que no deberían ocurrir".
> Por su parte, Evo Morales ratificó a Uribe su rechazo.
> "Como víctima le dije que me siento agredido por la presencia de
> militares estadounidenses en Colombia", dijo.
> El Presidente colombiano estará hoy en Chile y Paraguay, y mañana
> continuará su periplo por Uruguay, Argentina y Brasil, según la agenda
> preliminar que ha sido difundida, para explicarles los alcances del
> acuerdo que negocia con Washington para que militares estadounidenses
> puedan usar hasta siete bases en Colombia para operaciones contra el
> narcotráfico.
> Se trata de tres bases de la Fuerza Aérea: Malambo (norte), Palanquero
> (centro) y Apiay (este); dos del Ejército: en Tolemaida (centro) y
> Larandia (sur); y dos navales: Cartagena (norte, sobre el Atlántico) y
> Málaga (oeste, en el Pacífico), según el comandante general de las
> Fuerzas Militares de Colombia, Freddy Padilla.
> "Nadie distinto a los terroristas y a los narcotraficantes debe temer
> por este acuerdo transparente, respetuoso de soberanías, de los
> acuerdos internacionales", dijo Padilla.
> Varios políticos colombianos aplaudieron la gira. "Me parece
> conveniente. Tenemos que tratar de convencer a los vecinos de que
> Colombia no tiene una intención agresiva", sostuvo el ex presidente
> César Gaviria (1990-1994). Para Guillermo Fernández de Soto, canciller
> en el gobierno de Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002), "es de una gran
> utilidad", sobre todo por el "contacto personal" que el Mandatario
> tendrá con otros jefes de Estado.
> El Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) dijo ayer que EEUU prepara
> una invasión de Venezuela desde bases militares colombianas y llamó a
> las Farc a sumar fuerzas para impedirlo. El Comando Central del grupo
> rebelde indicó que Washington inicia un dispositivo militar de ataque
> a Venezuela, a través del aumento de tropas y medios de guerra de EEUU
> en Colombia.
> Video Fuente:
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