From: "Jeff" <>

> When hearing this I cannot help but remembering the (almost surely)
> widespread use of rape (apparently organized as a systematic policy) in 
> the
> Bosnian war of the early 90's, when some "Marxists" (i.e. Stalinists) 
> found
> themselves (for reasons I still cannot fathom) in alliance with the 
> Serbian
> state and with the Bosnian Serbs. They had a similar blind spot to the
> incidence of rape. When questioned they would cringe and fall back on
> "there's human rights abuses by ALL sides, but we have to concentrate on
> opposing imperialism which is ultimately responsible......" etc. etc.
If I remember rightly, the story of 50 000 Bosnian Muslim women being raped 
by Bosnian Serbs, as part of an organised policy, was nothing more than 
propaganda designed to give a 'liberal' justification for American imperial 
intervention. Louis knows more about this, I think (I remember some post 
from him about the subject quite some time ago) - can you clarify?

If we can find it amongst ourselves to understand (which is NOT the same as 
justify - to equate the two is just right-wing rhetoric) how some might be 
led to commit suicide bombings or large scale murder (which I'm sure many 
here would try and understand in certain contexts), then the same applies to 
rape. None of this is in any sense apologetics for the actions of the Red 
Army in Berlin.


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