
I am not a member of Zyuganov´s party, nor a defender of Zyuganov´s line.

But (I asume Thomas C. is American) the fate of the Lenin mummy, or of
the Mausoleum itself is as meaningful to Russian politics as the fate
of the Lincoln Memorial is to USAmericans. The day a debate arises on
whether Lincoln should have a memorial or not, that day, dear cde.
Thomas C., you will safely say that the USofAm have turned Fascist (in
the technical sense of the word).

The question with Russia´s "hypercapitalist, ultra-reactionary,
authoritarian police state" does not lie in whether it is
hypercapitalist or not. It lies in whether it helps the Russian people
to keep their country safe of imperialist aggression from abroad
(particularly from the USofAmerica) or not. This defensive reflex is
all that was left of the Russian Revolution of 1917. And, believe it
or not, like it or not (and I particularly dislike any cult of the
dead), the destiny of Lenin´s mummy is intertwined with this issue.

2009/8/26 Thomas Campbell <avva...@gmail.com>:
> Unfortunately, Lara, it is has also become almost impossible to
> breathe in the suffocating atmosphere of current Russian state
> propaganda, of which Comrade Zyuganov's press release is an example.
> It would have been good if marxistfront had pointed out that the CPRF
> Central Committee (if not, always, the party's grassroots activists
> outside of Moscow) is as much a part of the state establishment as the
> United Russia party, Zhirinovsky's Liberal Democratic Party, and the
> oddly named A Just Russia party. To wit, they're allowed to have seats
> in the State Duma, make a bit of noise from time to time about minor
> issues (such as whether to leave the Lenin mummy in the Mausoleum),
> and enjoy all the other perks of life under a hypercapitalist,
> ultra-reactionary, authoritarian police state.


Néstor Gorojovsky
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