The Wall Street Journal
AUGUST 31, 2009

Commercial Real Estate Lurks as Next Potential Mortgage Crisis


Federal Reserve and Treasury officials are scrambling to prevent the 
commercial-real-estate sector from delivering a roundhouse punch to the 
U.S. economy just as it struggles to get up off the mat.

Their efforts could be undermined by a surge in foreclosures of 
commercial property carrying mortgages that were packaged and sold by 
Wall Street as bonds. Similar mortgage-backed securities created out of 
home loans played a big role in undoing that sector and triggering the 
global economic recession. Now the $700 billion of 
commercial-mortgage-backed securities outstanding are being tested for 
the first time by a massive downturn, and the outcome so far hasn't been 



NY Times, August 31, 2009
Some Analysts See an End to Market Rally

It’s been a blockbuster summer for the bulls on Wall Street. Shares are 
up more than 15 percent since mid-July, investors are feeling 
optimistic, and once-idle money is pouring back into equities.

But as Wall Street heads into September, historically its 
worst-performing month, the party may be winding down.

Some of the analysts and investors who called a bottom in March, when 
the markets hit their worst levels in more than a decade, now say they 
are detecting a peak in share prices, and they warn that stocks could be 
headed for a sharp pullback.

Markets drifted over the last week as investors shrugged at more signs 
the economy was slowly turning around. Stock prices are not such 
bargains anymore. And corporate insiders, including executives and board 
members, are starting to sell, suggesting that some of the smarter money 
is heading for the door.

“The people who know are getting out early,” said Art Cashin, the 
director of floor operations at UBS, who said his “gut feeling” about 
the markets prompted him to sell some stocks last week. “This rally’s a 
little long in the tooth.”

On Friday, the research firm TrimTabs reported that insider selling had 
grown to $6.1 billion in the month of August through last Thursday, its 
highest levels since May 2008 — when the Dow Jones industrial average 
was floating above 12,000, compared with just over 9,500 at Friday’s close.

The ratio of insider selling to insider buying also soared in August, to 
about 30 to one, its highest levels since the firm started keeping 
numbers in 2004.

“You have a classic case of greed stampeding investors into believing 
that nirvana is at hand,” said Charles Biderman, chief executive of 
TrimTabs. “We just don’t see how the market’s going to last.”

Of course, insiders are not always right. Many of the country’s smartest 
investors got clobbered during the downturn last year, and analysts say 
it is normal for investors to cash in some gains.

And betting against Wall Street’s momentum has not been a smart move 
lately. The Dow and the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index closed on 
Friday near their highest levels of the year. The Dow is up 45 percent 
from its March lows, and the S.& P. 500 is more than 50 percent higher.

Analysts say that financial stocks are looking even frothier as trading 
in a handful of big banks has come to dominate the action on Wall 
Street. The KBW Bank Index, which tracks two dozen national and regional 
lenders, has surged more than 150 percent since early March.

Shares of the troubled insurance giant American International Group have 
quadrupled. And Citigroup, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, while still 
down sharply from their record highs, have been some of the rally’s 
biggest winners.

For months, the cautious and pessimistic voices on Wall Street kept 
saying the rally would end as investors realized the extent of problems 
facing the economy — that the financial system was still on life 
support, companies were struggling to generate new revenue, and nearly 
15 million people in the United States were unemployed. But the markets 
defied their warnings and chugged higher.

The investors now waiting for Wall Street to lose its footing see a big 
“sell!” sign flashing in the confidence that has accompanied the gains.

Just before stocks turned around in early March, only 2 percent of 
investors were optimistic, according to the Daily Sentiment Index, which 
measures the mood of small traders and is run by Jake Bernstein, an 
independent market analyst. Now, the index shows that about 89 percent 
are feeling bullish. Investors were equally cheery when the Dow hit its 
record high in October 2007.

Robert Prechter, president of Elliott Wave International, a technical 
analysis firm in Gainesville, Ga., cut his negative outlook on stocks in 
late February. “Now,” he wrote in an e-mail message, “we are firmly back 
on the bear side.” Investors might be embracing greed once again, but 
Mr. Prechter said he doubted the stock indexes could replicate the 
remarkable gains of the past five months.

Others see signs of trouble in volatile market swings in China, in the 
American commercial real estate sector, or in just the sheer amount of 
time that has passed without a major drop in stocks.

“I think everyone’s pretty bearish,” said Thomas J. Lee, the chief 
United States equity strategist at JPMorgan Chase. “People I talk to 
think there’s a 10 percent correction coming.”

Jeremy Grantham, chairman of the investment firm GMO, was another 
investor who began encouraging others to buy during Wall Street’s 
darkest days. But when the S.& P. 500 rose above 1,000 this summer, his 
firm started taking money off the table.

“We said that’s enough above fair value that you want to do something,” 
said Ben Inker, GMO’s director of asset allocation. “And we made a move.”

So far, it is just a small one. The firm cut its equity holdings by 
about two percentage points, to 63 percent, which is still up 
substantially from last year, and it is focusing on “big stable blue chips.”

The hedge fund manager Doug Kass, who declared in March that stocks had 
skidded to a “generational bottom,” said last week the rally had run its 

Like other investors who expect the markets to falter, Mr. Kass said he 
believed the economy was not heading toward a quick or easy recovery. 
Companies have made themselves look profitable by slashing costs, but he 
said they are not going to rake in more money in the months ahead as 
long as weakened consumers stay in hiding.

“I think we’ve seen the high for the year,” he said. “There’s a time to 
hold ’em and a time to fold ’em. And I think we’re at that point.”

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