Ah, but Mage, you forget that in Néstor's dictionary it isn't social being, 
i.e. the social relation borne by the capital form, which determines 
consciousness, but the abstract consciousness (perdy, no other than that of the 
CCP bureaucracy) of commodity producers which determines the former, "uses" it.


Indeed, the CCP bureaucracy doesn't bow down to imperialism, which is why they 
finance most of the Iraq carnage and exploit Chinese workers to a degree which 
makes the word "mutilation" sound hackneyed. 


Perhaps Néstor could use some of the data from Burkett and Hart-Landsberg to 
see that there never was, is, or will be a national process of capital 
accumulation other than the one which is determined by the unity of its global 




Bajá un cambio, Néstor.

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