(JAI:  Twice as big as the US 'Cash for Clunkers", programs which compel the 
destruction of still useful automobiles so as to encourage the purchase of new 
ones through taxpayer funded subsidy, the German program (as the US') is but 
modified Keynesianism, itself a re-reading of Marx exposition on the crisis of 
"Capital.  Vol 3."  Chap XV.  Sec 3.  "Excess Capital, Excess Population".  
http://marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1894-c3/ch15.htm , is but yet another 
further attempt to inject purchasing power into a sector of the market (in this 
case auto and relateds) in hopes that the buying power of this sector will 
translate into the purchses of the products of other sectors.  It is the same 
thing as the stock market bubble which burst in 2000, the Fed Reserve created  
housing bubble burst in 2006 (itselff created in response to the collapse of 
the stock market and the oil and commodities bubbles which burst last year.  
What next.  Believe me they are thinking of something right now.)

AUGUST 31, 2009
Germans Debate Whether Car Trade-In Plan Will Backfire 
FRANKFURT -- Germany's auto makers are worried about slumping sales when the 
government's "cash for clunkers" program expires this fall after running 
through its allocation of ?5 billion, or $7.15 billion. Even so, they don't 
agree with the dire forecasts in a study issued by German management 
consultancy Roland Berger.

In the study, published Friday, Roland Berger said car sales in Germany may 
fall more than 20% next year, and that as many as 90,000 jobs may be lost 
across the industry by the end of 2011. One in two car dealerships could be 
threatened with failure, and gross domestic product could take a hit, it said.

The detailed report by a well-known company with a long history in the auto 
sector caused a stir, underscoring nagging fears of a slump in demand and 
another sharp rise in unemployment once the Germany government winds down this 
part of its fiscal stimulus.

The car scrappage program, which subsidizes new car purchases on old trade-ins, 
was a model for similar plans adopted elsewhere, including the U.S. Since early 
this year, it has bolstered Germany's big auto industry and helped gross 
domestic product to return to growth in the second quarter after a year-long 

"The German car market is good for roughly 3 million to 3.3 million cars a 
year. This year, we will probably sell 3.7 million, and our forecasts are for 
2.7-2.8 million next year," said Ralf Landmann, a partner with Roland Berger.

"If you have 20% less demand for your products, its clear there's going to be 
an impact on the labor market," Mr. Landmann said.

The Federal Statistics Office calculates that Germans spent ?36 billion on new 
cars in the first half of the year, generating a modest 0.1% increase in 
overall private consumption. But without the scrappage scheme, consumption 
would have fallen 1%, and the economy would have shrunk by even more. As it is, 
output in the second quarter was still down 5.9% from a year earlier.

Carsten Dreger, an economist with the DIW research institute in Berlin, 
contends that not only was the cash-for-clunkers plan increasing 2009 demand at 
the cost of 2010's, it is also cannibalizing potential demand for other 
consumer goods this year.

"Cash for clunkers" boosted August sales, but as WSJ's Neal Boudette and Dow 
Jones Newswires' Jeff Bennett report, auto dealers are already starting to see 
consumer interest drop off now that clunkers is over.

Germany's car makers have already laid off most of the 100,000 temporary 
workers they employed a year ago, according to a spokesman for the Federal 
Association for Temporary Work in Berlin.

The Roland Berger forecasts refer to cuts in their core personnel, an acutely 
sensitive topic.

A spokesman for the Association of German Automakers, an industry body, 
disagreed with the Roland Berger forecasts, saying the industry hadn't taken on 
excess labor in the boom years in any case. "What wasn't built up in the first 
case doesn't need to be reduced," the spokesman said.

Volkswagen AG has even promised to add jobs at Porsche AG once it completes its 
planned takeover of the company. VW has also just started its annual pay round 
negotiations with the IG Metall union.

With unemployment already nearly at 3.5 million, and a jobless rate of 8.3%, 
the government is hoping that the recent economic improvement will be strong 
enough to stop another wave of job losses.

The fate of Adam Opel GmbH's German employees has been one of the key sticking 
points in negotiations over the restructuring of GM's European operations, with 
the German government anxious to avoid any job losses.

The Federal Labor Office is due to report August's unemployment data Tuesday. 
Analysts predict another 30,000 increase in those out of work. The government 
has subsidized companies to keep their workers on shorter working hours, rather 
than lay them off.

Write to Geoffrey T. Smith at geoffrey.sm...@dowjones.com

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page B3 
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