Check your listings. Very good.


        AIRING: Season 7, Episode 11
        THE DETECTIVE: Gwen Wright
        THE PLACE: Scottsboro, Alabama

        THE CASE:

What is the connection between an inconspicuous black and white stamp 
purchased at an outdoor market and a landmark civil rights case? “Save 
the Scottsboro Boys” is printed on the stamp above nine black faces 
behind prison bars and two arms prying the bars apart. One arm bears the 
tattoo “ILD.” On the bottom of the stamp is printed “one cent.”

The Scottsboro Boys were falsely accused and convicted of raping two 
white girls in 1931 on a train near Scottsboro, Alabama. It took several 
appeals, two cases before the US Supreme Court, and nearly two decades 
before all nine finally walked free.

*History Detectives* delves into civil rights history and consults with 
a stamp expert to discover how a tiny penny stamp could make a 
difference in the young men’s courageous defense effort.

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