A few about and by Marxists I've found interesting and recommend:

Karl Marx, Man and Fighter by Boris Nicolaievsky and otto 
Maenchen-Helfen (Pelican, 1976 -- original 1933)

And from the southern hemisphere:


Communism: A Love Story (bio of Guido Baracchi), By Jeff Sparrow, 
Melbourne University Press 2007

Jean Devanny, Romantic Revolutionary (Communist Party of Australia 
activist and author), By Carole Ferrier, Melbourne University Press 1999

Militant: The Life and Times of Paddy Troy (Western Australian socialist 
and trade union leader), By Stuart Macintyre, George Allen and Unwin, 
Sydney,  1984

Red Hot: The Life and Times of Nick Origlass (Australian Trotskyist 
founder), By Hall Greenland, Wellington Lane Press, Sydney, 1998.

South Africa:

SP Bunting by Edward Roux  (bio of CPSA leader Sidney Bunting), Mayibuye 
Books, 1993 (orginal 1944) (See also Time Longer than Rope, by Edward 
Roux, on the SACP)

Rebel Pity, by Eddie and Win Roux (bio/autobio of CPSA leader Eddie 
Roux), Peguin 1970

Armed and Dangerous by Ronnie Kasrils (SACP leader's account of the 
involvement in the anti-apartheid struggle), Jonathan Ball, 
Johannesburg, 2004.

Poetry and Protest, A Dennis Brutus Reader (the veteran anti-apartheid 
poet and activists), edited by Lee Sustar, Haymarket Books, Chicago, 2006.

All My Life andAll My Strength, By Ray Alexander Simons (another veteran 
SACP activist and trade unionist), edited by Raymond Suttner), STE 
Publishers, Johannesburg, 2004

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