On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Cliff Conner <cliff.con...@mac.com> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I suspect many of you, like me, have been frustrated with the "public
> discourse" regarding the healthcare issue. I want to call your attention to
> a forthcoming demonstration in Manhattan that at least offers an opportunity
> for single-payer advocates to sound off and, hopefully, be heard.
> The main slogan of the demonstration isn't "Single Payer Now," because the
> level of the discussion of this issue has been so pathetically low that the
> term "single payer" is virtually unknown to the general public.  Instead,
> the demand is for "Medicare For All."  While the two slogans are not exactly
> identical in meaning, they are close enough, and at least the latter will be
> widely understood.
> Anyway, here are the particulars:
> RALLY AT 4:00 PM:
>      Bristol-Myers-Squibb
>      345 Park Ave (at 51st St.)
> MARCH AT 5:00 PM:
>      from Park Ave. & 51st to AETNA,
>      99 Park Ave. (at 40th St.)
> So there you have it. My personal opinion is that whether Obama's plan
> passes or not, the fight for decent healthcare for all has just begun and
> will be a long one. This demonstration represents a worthwhile early step in
> the struggle. I hope to see you there.
> Cliff Conner
> P.S. The sponsoring organization is the Private Health Insurance Must Go!
> Coalition (PHIMGC). Here is its "mission statement":
> "The Private Health Insurance Must Go! Coalition (PHIMGC) is a growing and
> diverse New York City-based non-partisan organization focused on education,
> legislative advocacy and direct action in the fight for single-payer
> healthcare reform and HR 676."
> Its website is: www.phimg.org
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