This remark is a banal provocation, obviously.

By the way, is the permissible number of postings per day to Marx-mail
three?  Or is it five?


> I am not a Leninist, but I do consider myself a Marxist.
> I profoundly distrust any so-called "Marxist-Leninist" who starts
> Because, I know that such "Marxist-Leninists" are devoid of all ethical
> thinking and are merely pursuing a strategy of "appealling to the 'real'
> working classe's 'basic sentiments'", in order to further a "proleterian
> world-view".
> Mao was an awful tyrant. In order to reach the top of the Chinese
> Communist Party, he , either, betrayed his "friends" to the Kuomintang,
> or had them "confess" and executed them on trumped-up charges . He had
> four wives, two of which he cynically caused to be killed in order to
> re-marry. Mao was truly a despicable example of a human being.
> Preoccupied only by himself and how he could out-wit the other members
> of the Politburo.
> Stalin was an extremely clever paranoid individual, who distrusted
> everybody (he had his life-long, trusted, family doctor executed a few
> months before his own death), and routinely signed death-warrants
> calling for the execution of tens of thousands of peasents.
> Trotsky was a blood-thirsty... ah, no, wait... I promised never again to
> criticize Trotsky and Lenin on this list. I'm sorry...

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